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October 10, 2006
"Veils Suck"
Salmon Rushdie, again I salute you, Sir
The row over Muslim women's dress codes reignited today after author Salman Rushdie declared that "veils suck". Rushdie, whose book The Satanic Verses triggered death threats from Islamic clerics, gave his full backing to Leader of the Commons Jack Straw for raising the issue.Rushdie was forced into hiding for 10 years after Iranian cleric Ayatollah Khomeini served a "fatwah" on him over his book’s alleged slight on the prophet Mohammed.
..."Speaking as somebody with three sisters and a very largely female Muslim family, there's not a single woman I know in my family or in their friends who would have accepted wearing the veil.
"I think the battle against the veil has been a long and continuing battle against the limitation of women, so in that sense I'm completely on [Straw's] side.
"He was expressing an important opinion, which is that veils suck, which they do. I think the veil is a way of taking power away from women."
Mr Straw triggered anger last week when he revealed he asked Muslim women visiting his constituency surgery to remove their veils.
He said that seeing someone's face made it easier to communicate and felt the garment was a barrier to integration and good community relations.
While Straw is right about that, that aspect is really secondary; the real problem with the veil is that it subjugates the women and consigns them to second-class status. That is simply unacceptable in the modern world.
Posted by Mr. Bingley at October 10, 2006 06:46 AM
I think 'subjugates' is a bit strong. Yes, it can be used for that purpose, but it is also a cultural item at times.
I know that even here in the US, women wore veils in Catholic churches until about 30 years ago. My mom wore them, and my grandmother wore them, and generations of Portuguese women wore them as well.
Was Jackie Kennedy subjugated when wearing her veil at JFK's funeral?
If a woman is raised wearing veils, and is suddenly forced to unveil in front of a very powerful man like Straw, I can imagine it could be a bit disconcerting.
Having said all that. I agree with Straw. It puts him at quite a disadvantage to negotiate with people who can see his face but he can't see theirs. Part of equality is to be equally treated, not because one is subjugated, but out of a desire to be polite in our culture.
Posted by: Mike Rentner at October 10, 2006 12:45 PM
until about 30 years ago.
Point one. Point two:
IN church, for one hour one day a week.
Did Jackie freely remove her veil after the funeral? Were there any strictures against its removal or punishments to be meted out if she did so?
When it's wearing is a REQUIRED element of your LIFE ~ that's subjugation.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at October 10, 2006 02:29 PM
Jackie was at the funeral of her husband whose brains ended up in her lap.
How many 15 year old girls wore them in church 30 years ago.
Or 80, for that matter.
Of course it is a cultural thing: a culture that tells women that they are so perniciously evil and tempting that the mere sight of a face, or god forbid an ankle, is enough to corrupt the purest heart of a man and lead him astray.
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at October 10, 2006 03:04 PM
Alright, well maybe 80 years ago alot of women did wear veils to church, but they didn't wear them anywhere else.
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at October 10, 2006 03:11 PM
Sis pointed out to me that she wore a veil on sundays 80 years ago.
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at October 10, 2006 03:13 PM
No, after "BITE ME !!" what I actually said was "you should like check with someone who has a catholic clue before you shoots your church of england mouth off".
Infidel pig dog.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at October 10, 2006 03:15 PM
Church of England???
Hell no, foul Jezebel!
Church of Scotland.
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at October 10, 2006 04:58 PM
Y'all are just apples off of the Papist tree to me.
Posted by: John at October 10, 2006 05:17 PM
Us Presbyterians ain't no fruit off that there tree!
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at October 10, 2006 06:20 PM
Absolutely, enforced wearing of anything is anethema to freedom. But this was a free woman in Britain, so the enforced part didn't apply. She wore it freely.
So, if she wants to wear the face obscuring veil for her own personal reasons, fine. But Straw was perfectly just in asking her to remove it in his house, because that's his culture.
Thirty years ago, only the older women wore veils in Catholic churches, but forty years ago, if I'm not mistaken (it might have been a few years earlier), it was required, hence the veil on Jackie Onasis at JFK's funeral.
Posted by: Mike Rentner at October 10, 2006 06:43 PM
Not veils exclusively but head covering of some sort. (I hearken back to the lace doily yamulka looking gourd cover of my youth.) And I understand the custom came about (thanks to a religion class in my junior year in H.S.) because of an edict from a 16th Century Bishop/Cardinal/whatever. Tired of the men at Mass being so distracted by the exorbitant feminine hair styles of the age, he ordered the wimmens to cover that sh*t up when in the House of God, now PAY ATTENTION. It just sort of morphed into 'covered to show respect/modesty/blahblahblah' over the centuries.
But I still think you're completely off your nut, there Mike. It's use is completely to subjugate women ~ COMPLETELY. In this century or the last five. The wearing of head coverings in the Catholic Church was NEVER about control. NEVER.
And you'd never read something like this about Catholic attitudes toward women ~ this century or any other ~ either. Ask yourself "what would Jesus do?" and the answer SURE isn't "say sh*t like this.*"
The Place of Women in Islam
"Wives are playthings, so take your pick" attr. to the Prophet*, according to Al Hakem, attr. to Omar.
Temporary marriage
In it the man offers the woman a sum of money for that particular year as well as providing her with housing and all other necessities, be it food, clothes, etc. In exchange she will agree to satisfy his sexual demands whenever he wants without hindrance. She has to remain exclusively his for the duration of the contract signed between them. When the period expires (the Koran does not specify an exact period; it could be from one month to one whole year) the first party, the man has to either pay her off and release her or renew his agreement for a further period. This used to be the custom in the past with men who went to war, ...also common among men of business and commerce, since they are constantly on the move and need surrogate wives to satisfy their sexual urges...
...Consequently it became simple for the wealthy Muslim to claim he had one legal wife only, thus freeing himself of the problem of being impartial among several wives! At the same time it enabled the man to secure his fill of sexual gratification...
Teen Marriage
The Islamic religion recommends early marriage and this appears to be a good, healthy piece of advice. It enables the mature young man who can afford it to marry the girl of his dreams and settle down in his life's journey in a healthy manner. The Bible similarly advises young people that, it is better to marry than to burn in any case!
But Islam here goes beyond merely advising people to marry early. It makes it legal and proper to entertain the marriage of minors.**
...At the beginning of Islam we find clear instances of the practice of teen marriage. For instance, Muhammad gave his twelve year old daughter, Fatima in marriage to his cousin Ali bin Abu Taleb. It is true she was capable and quite mature mentally; it was said she would be reading the Koran with one hand while grinding barley with the other! Still her age would place her in the category of a minor or a child, approaching adolescence.
And if Fatima was so mature, this was not the case with Aiysha, daughter of Abu Bakr As Siddiq who was a close friend of the Prophet and in charge of his books. When he offered her as a legitimate wife to Muhammad she was only eight years old. He added, jokingly "She is eight but dependable!" (Ar. Hia thaman, wa alaihad dhaman). Yet there was another problem; it comes as a great shock to learn that the Prophet was fifty three years old when he married Aiysha - an age difference between them of forty five years!!
But Muhammad was insistent on that marriage with Aiysha; he even had planned it years before. He used to play with her and sit her on his lap and play games with her when she was only five years old. As soon as she was eight he could no longer wait and married her...***
...My friend had a sister who was thirteen years old. Since they lived under a strict Islamic tribal code it was decided to stop her schooling and marry her off because her breasts began developing....
**You'll notice it's always a minor female.
*** Old Muhammed was a pedophile, even in the context of the day.
That's THIS century subjugation, from a this century website explaining the role of women in Islam and comparing it pretty creatively to the role of Christian women. (He quotes a whole bundle of Old Testament stuff to bolster his arguments, further proof that Islam is a stone age relic.)
To give the author credit, he does have a problem with the child abuse end of it, but pretty much toes the company line for the whole page.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at October 10, 2006 08:05 PM
I don't have any problem with women wearing the headscarf (hijab). In Western culture, however, covering your face (niquab) is sinister and creepy. If I went to Saudi Arabia (not that I ever would, because I couldn't bring a Bible or move about freely), I would at least wear long skirts and sleeves so as not to offend the prevalent culture. Those who come to the West should do the same. I will not talk to someone who is hiding her face from me. Perhaps that is the point.
Posted by: NJ Sue at October 10, 2006 11:14 PM
But THS, she's not in a Taliban controlled country, she's in Merry Olde England. She is not oppressed, she is free. If she wishes to wear a hijab, veil, burka, or tassles on her ta tas, that's her choice in life. It's fair to recognize that just as the Catholic church got willing compliance with that stupid veil from women, so the Islamics probably have a majority of their believers willingly wearing one. It's easy to believe this because no one is making them do it when they're in England. So, it's not just about subjugation anymore than you were subjugated by the Catholic church.
All that being said, there's a time and a place for everything and in my house, women don't wear burkhas or veils because that is the custom in my house. Hmm. I wonder how far I can extend that rule!
Posted by: Mike Rentner at October 11, 2006 07:25 AM
But THS, she's not in a Taliban controlled country, she's in Merry Olde England. She is not oppressed, she is free. If she wishes to wear a hijab, veil, burka, or tassles on her ta tas, that's her choice in life. It's fair to recognize that just as the Catholic church got willing compliance with that stupid veil from women, so the Islamics probably have a majority of their believers willingly wearing one. It's easy to believe this because no one is making them do it when they're in England. So, it's not just about subjugation anymore than you were subjugated by the Catholic church.
All that being said, there's a time and a place for everything and in my house, women don't wear burkhas or veils because that is the custom in my house. Hmm. I wonder how far I can extend that rule!
Posted by: Mike Rentner at October 11, 2006 07:26 AM
But THS, she's not in a Taliban controlled country, she's in Merry Olde England. She is not oppressed, she is free. If she wishes to wear a hijab, veil, burka, or tassles on her ta tas, that's her choice in life. It's fair to recognize that just as the Catholic church got willing compliance with that stupid veil from women, so the Islamics probably have a majority of their believers willingly wearing one. It's easy to believe this because no one is making them do it when they're in England. So, it's not just about subjugation anymore than you were subjugated by the Catholic church.
All that being said, there's a time and a place for everything and in my house, women don't wear burkhas or veils because that is the custom in my house. Hmm. I wonder how far I can extend that rule!
Posted by: Mike Rentner at October 11, 2006 08:20 AM