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November 11, 2006
I'm Not Surprised
...but it's delicious they were. (Via Insta)
They had to run that clip because the much of the rest of his speech was an absolute riot.
He started off by mentioning that "tomorrow is an extremely important day for America," and the crowd went wild, thinking he was talking about taking power. But of course, he launched into his praise of the Marine Corps, and the crowd cheered a little less loudly. Then he thanked all the brave veterans and brave men still fighting, and the crowd cheered a little less loudly again.
Then he mentioned that he received a call from Sen. Allen, and the crowd went nuts again. Then he mentioned how pleasant and dignified Allen was, and the crowd grew quiet. Then he said he was having lunch next week with Allen — and the crowd was dead silent. Finally he told the audience that they should all thank Sen./Gov. Allen for his many years of dedicated service to the people of Virginia — and you could almost hear the people gathered looking at each other asking, "What the $#@! did we just do?"
It was priceless.
In the spirit of full disclosure, major dad and I would have voted for James Webb. We have fond memories and tons of respect for him after serving during his tenure as SecNav. He was one guy who had the cajones to actually resign in protest and we were all sorrier than crap to lose him. One Marine breath of fresh air and back to bureaucratic dweebs (the odd one actually had served in the Navy) running the Department. (There's also the matter of that kick ass Scotch Irish book he wrote ~ major dad's always quoting chapter and verse.)
Confessing our turncoatedness in full, we also voted for Bill Nelson and I was delighted to find Florida Cracker sharing our secret little GOP purgatory. And Mark Steyn in concert with Hugh Hewitt looking as if he writes from his desk a la Jason Blair and sounding foolish. A couple pundits obviously NOT knowing the territory. (Wow! How often does THAT happen?)
Hugh made another sharp point, noting that in Florida the Republicans in effect gave away a Senate seat. Given the way the GOP have held the Governor's mansion, and Katherine Harris' House seat, and Foley's seat, it seems clear that almost any credible Senate candidate could have swiped that seat out from under the Dems.
Mother Theresa would have had a hard time beating Bill Nelson. Why send a good guy who does your state proud (he was an astronaut, for God's sake! WOO!) packing? There's NO good reason and the state GOP knew it. Shrewd. As I noted in the comments over there...
Add me and major dad to the 'voted for Nelson' column. Good, decent guy. I think the only major beef I've had with him has been his insistance on the offshore drilling moratorium hard line ~ and I'M the treehugger! Katharine Harris is quite probably the best thing the Republicans could have hoped for. A candidate with no viable political future against a hugely popular real guy and no one hurt who might one day actually BE a contender, like Alan Bense. No harm, no foul, best guy for the job still has it, no future GOP star tarnished.
Posted by tree hugging sister at November 11, 2006 09:42 AM
No problem with voting for the best one. Hell, I'm still a registered Democrat* though I vote almost exclusively Republican these days. But I vote for the candidate, not the party.
*I'm a Truman Democrat. Besides, the Dembulbs send out funnier campaign crap.
Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at November 11, 2006 10:13 AM
It was amusing to catch these big guns talking out their butts. I don't read Hewitt to know, but it was the first time I've seen Steyn writing on something he was completely uninformed about. He's probably not aware that Bob Graham never lost a election in his entire career, either.
Posted by: Donnah at November 11, 2006 11:09 AM
"Confessing our turncoatedness in full, we also voted for Bill Nelson..."
Well, hell, even I voted for Nelson, and I've never voted for a Dem for a major office before in my life. Kathy Harris was a class-A wackjob.
Posted by: Dave J at November 11, 2006 11:34 AM
(I voted for Nelson too)
Posted by: Cindermutha at November 11, 2006 05:01 PM
What a fine company we are!! Truth, justice and the American way!
Posted by: tree hugging sister at November 11, 2006 11:04 PM
Nice to see some folks actually have choices.
Illinois only had Reps, Donks and Watermelons (Green on the outside, red on the inside) on the ballots.
I had to write in my own name for State's Representative (the Donk ran unopposed.)
Posted by: Gunsniper at November 12, 2006 04:02 AM
Nelson gets my vote after the way he handled the Frogs and the Dons at Trafalgar.
Posted by: Mr. Hornblower at November 12, 2006 08:27 AM
Mister Hornblower, according to Mister Blackadder (late butler to the Prince Regent), I understand Lord Nelson's famed signal at the Nile was "England knows Lady Hamilton's a virgin, poke my eye out and cut off my arm if I'm wrong." ;-)
Posted by: Dave J at November 12, 2006 09:02 AM
The good Mister Hornblower (callow, ignorant lad that he be) is more enamored of the manner of transport the Admiral enjoyed post death than his heroics prior to his untimely demise.
Posted by: Captain Pellew at November 12, 2006 09:43 AM
Nelson was feeling rather groggy when he got back.
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at November 12, 2006 12:04 PM
Drinking problem, wasn't it? Came home pickled?
Posted by: Donnah at November 12, 2006 06:38 PM