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November 06, 2006
Pelosi: "Elections Not Needed"
That's what this frankly vile person seems to be saying:
Pelosi cautioned that the number of Democratic House victories could be higher or lower and said her greatest concern is over the integrity of the count -- from the reliability of electronic voting machines to her worries that Republicans will try to manipulate the outcome."That is the only variable in this," Pelosi said. "Will we have an honest count?''
"If indeed it turns out the way that people expect it to turn out, the American people will have spoken, and they will have rejected the course of action the president is on."
You get that? She's saying that the only way the Democrats will lose is if Republicans cheat and steal the election; the possibility that, oh, I don't know, say people don't actually vote for them never enters her mind. Is this the person we want 2 heartbeats away from the Presidency? Someone who will accept that "the American People have spoken" only if they say what she wants to hear? Someone who publically casts doubt on the integrity of our electoral process before it begins?
"That is the only variable in this," Pelosi said. "Will we have an honest count?''
Madame, you disgust me.
Posted by Mr. Bingley at November 6, 2006 06:46 AM