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January 11, 2007
Blame Canada!
Global Positioning Coins?
In a U.S. government warning high on the creepiness scale, the Defense Department cautioned its American contractors over what it described as a new espionage threat: Canadian coins with tiny radio frequency transmitters hidden inside.The government said the mysterious coins were found planted on U.S. contractors with classified security clearances on at least three separate occasions between October 2005 and January 2006 as the contractors traveled through Canada.
...Top suspects, according to outside experts: China, Russia or even France -- all said to actively run espionage operations inside Canada with enough sophistication to produce such technology.
"Even France"
I'm shocked.
I wouldn't worry about this too much if I were the government, as most Canadian coins end up in US vending machines anyway, as opposed to secure government facilities.
Update: Oops! I see the Cracka' was on this late last night. That Miracle Whip-induced agita is really cutting into her shuteye.
Posted by Mr. Bingley at January 11, 2007 10:22 AM
Thank God I never have any money. Who KNOWS what national secrets might have been compromised if I did!
Posted by: tree hugging sister at January 11, 2007 11:11 AM