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January 09, 2007
Putin On The Risk
Like we've talked about before, the Russkies have one weapon these days and they ain't afraid to use it
Europe’s oil supplies from Russia were being held to ransom last night as the Kremlin fell into bitter dispute with a former Soviet satellite state.Moscow abruptly halted millions of barrels of oil destined for the EU via Belarus in an increasingly hostile wrangle with its neighbour.
The move raised further questions over whether Western Europe can trust Mr Putin for its energy supply. Experts said that Russia had a deeply entrenched habit of manipulating oil and gas supplies as a substitute for diplomatic policy.
Typical Euroappeaser crap though, isn't it? "Raised further questions" my butt. But this is why Europe has made such a mess of things in the world of late by their complete inability to recognize things as they are and act. If someone pulls a gun on you in an alley, does that "raise further questions about their intent" or does it confirm that they want to rob you?
Posted by Mr. Bingley at January 9, 2007 06:57 AM
It's the lint.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at January 9, 2007 08:41 AM
And now he done pissed off the Huns.
Merkel attacks Russia's cut in oil exports
Angela Merkel, German chancellor, on Tuesday attacked the "unacceptable" decision by Russia to halt oil exports to Europe through Belarus, claiming the move could "destroy trust" between the two sides.
Ms Merkel said Russia should have consulted EU countries affected by the shutdown including Germany, Poland and Hungary - at the "very minimum".
"It's not acceptable to resort to such a policy before actually consulting others in any way," she said in Berlin after talks with the European Commission on Germany's presidency of the EU.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at January 9, 2007 11:43 AM
And Merkel's predecessor currently has a very cush job working for whom, exactly?
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at January 9, 2007 01:20 PM