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February 13, 2007

NYC School Uniform: The Burqa

Imagine the Sex Ed classes here

The Department of Education says that it will open a public school next fall dedicated to Arabic language and culture.

The Khalil Gibran International Academy is one of 40 new schools that will their debut in the city next September.

Education officials say although half the classes at the school will be taught in Arabic, they want to enroll a diverse student body.

The school is set to open in Brooklyn.

Will they have courses with titles such as "Beheading Or Stoning: A Critical Perspective"? No course list posted yet, but we'll keep an eye on it.

Posted by Mr. Bingley at February 13, 2007 02:46 PM


You got to be shitting me. And just who would be doing the teaching and what control would be in place to keep it from becoming an institution of "kill the infidels"?

Posted by: major dad at February 13, 2007 04:52 PM

Yeah, I can imagine the school motto already: "Allah ahkbar!!"


Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at February 13, 2007 05:25 PM

Somehow I don't think their football team will be called the Crusaders.

Or the Razorbacks.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at February 13, 2007 06:21 PM

Hasn't New York just become the bastion of tolerance and brotherly love. Wasn't this the same city that was attacked on 9/11? What a bunch of idiots.

Posted by: barista grazioso at February 13, 2007 10:05 PM

Just what about the achievements of Arab culture in the last 700 years or so has been worth celebrating? Since Algebraic notation, what have they done for world civilization (and even that was Hindu and Persian-derived)? Why don't we set up a school to celebrate Maori culture? Because they don't blow up our buildings, that's why.

This is nothing more than self-loathing and "why do they hate us" wrapped up in pedagogical BS. I didn't see any schools celebrating Soviet Culture (well, maybe Berkeley) during the Cold War.

Posted by: John at February 14, 2007 09:20 AM