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April 19, 2007
Laugh Of The Day
Let's say you were head of a state college in New Jersey and you wanted to hire someone to teach a course on law, ethics and leadership; what qualities would you look for in the candidates to best impress on your students the importance of these ideas? How about honesty? Or maybe proven integrity in their personal lives so they could really be inspiring teachers of the next generation of leaders.
Well, if you're in charge of hiring at Kean University in Union we know who you thought to be the perfect candidate:
James E. McGreevey, who resigned the governorship under a cloud of scandal, has a new job teaching law, ethics and leadership at one of New Jersey's public colleges.McGreevey is now an "executive in residence" -- a combination teaching and consulting post -- at Kean University in Union, where he is earning $17,500.
..."For a university like us to have the ability of a former governor -- for what we pay him -- it's an opportunity for our students we shouldn't miss," Kean President Dawood Farahi said in an interview yesterday. "It's an unbelievable opportunity for us."
I was prepared to make some snide remark, but luckily I found someone else to make it for me
State Republican Chairman Tom Wilson, a longtime critic of McGreevey, disagrees."It seems to me," Wilson said, "Jim McGreevey teaching law and ethics is a little bit like Doctor Kevorkian teaching health maintenance."
(h/t to LawHawk)
Posted by Mr. Bingley at April 19, 2007 01:29 PM
HA! Did you read HotAir's take on this?
"Universities are useless, Exhibit A: Jim McGreevey to teach ethics course"
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at April 19, 2007 06:50 PM
Is he the what not to do example? And he did happen to pick the school that can help bump up his state pension.
Posted by: Kcruella at April 19, 2007 09:19 PM
While they're at it, why not hire Sean Penn to teach boatmanship 101? If you keep the instructor alive you pass.
Posted by: Dave E. at April 19, 2007 09:23 PM
As the mans says, you just can't make this shit up.
Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at April 19, 2007 09:33 PM
I think, in the staff directory, his picture is captioned "BEFORE."
Posted by: Nightfly at April 20, 2007 01:07 AM