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April 30, 2007
Stop The Presses!
A Supreme Court ruling in favor of the police
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday gave police officers significant protection from lawsuits by suspects who lead them on car chases.The justices ruled 8-1 against Georgia teenager Victor Harris, who was left a quadriplegic after a police vehicle rammed his car off the road in 2001.
A police officer used "reasonable force" when ramming the teen's speeding car, the high court ruled. A videotape of the pursuit played a key role in the decision.
8-1. Good.
Orin Kerr at Volokh has a much more thoughtful analysis, naturally.
Posted by Mr. Bingley at April 30, 2007 01:35 PM
Who was the lone idiot?
Posted by: John at April 30, 2007 01:41 PM
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at April 30, 2007 01:42 PM
I took a look at Stevens's dissent. Man who let that loon on the Bench?
Posted by: John at April 30, 2007 02:56 PM
Ford put Stevens on the Supreme Court.
Tennessee v. Garner is an important case saying that cops can't use deadly force to apprehend a suspect unless there is probable cause that the suspect presents a threat to the life or safety of the officer or others.
This case doesn't change that equation. All it does is say that when the facts are so clearly not disputable, summary judgment is appropriate (judgment by the law, not a jury). Normally, in summary judgment any matters of controversy are judged in favor of the defendant. All the court did here is say that there is no controversy. The dummy was evading police at speeds that were reckless and endangered the public.
Even had the court ruled otherwise, the case would simply have gone back to trial and a jury would see the video and come to the same conclusion. It is an inescapable conclusion. I can't believe this got to the Supreme Court because it really doesn't change anything except prove that Ford was an idiot for putting Stevens on the bench.
Posted by: Mike Rentner at April 30, 2007 03:11 PM
I watched that video. It's not the greatest quality, at least on my pc, but it's damn clear that kid was a huge menace. That he didn't kill anyone before they bumped him is something of a miracle. Stevens is so far up the Ivory Tower on this one I'm surprised he didn't pass out from lack of oxygen.
Posted by: Dave E. at April 30, 2007 04:18 PM
They really need to up the penalties for people who force the police into car chases. So far I haven't been victim of these twits but it makes my skin crawl when I see them on TV.
IMHO I suggest we adopt the Singapore model of jurisprudence with regards to minor infractions. Particularly with young adults and teenagers.
Cane the little buggers.
Posted by: memomachine at April 30, 2007 08:00 PM