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May 13, 2007
If This Doesn't Define "DIRTBALL"
...I'll be damned if I know what does.
A cousin of skiing star Bode Miller fatally shot and ran over a police officer, then was killed by a passer-by who grabbed the officer’s gun.Attorney General Kelly Ayotte said Liko Kenney shot Cpl. Bruce McKay four times, then ran over him with his car after a traffic stop Friday night.
Gregory Floyd, who was driving by with his son, grabbed McKay’s gun, then shot the 24-year-old Kenney when he refused to put his gun down, Ayotte said.
...Bode Miller, who had bailed his cousin out of jail once, was on his way home to Franconia, his father said. In 2005, Bode Miller was fined $250 for going 83 mph in a 40 mph zone in his hometown of Franconia. According to an article published on Sports Illustrated’s Web site, SI.com, Miller said he chose to contest the ticket “to try to get my fine reduced and to antagonize McKay.”
Bode Miller's dad is already making with the 'he brought that shit on himself' spin. Charming. So it's not just Bode Miller who's the lazy, arrogant piece of shit. It's his whole family.
I sure hope his ritzy racing sponsors read this all the way to the bottom. Imus pales in comparison.
UPDATE: HAH! Why am I not surprised who stepped in and took charge?
New Hampshire authorities said yesterday that they will not press charges against a former Marine who stepped into a deadly shooting and killed a 24-year-old high school dropout who had moments earlier fatally shot a police officer.The former Marine, Gregory W. Floyd, 49, was driving with his son along Route 116 in Franconia on Friday night when he saw Liko Kenney, 24, shoot Franconia Police Corporal Bruce McKay, 48, four times in the torso. After Kenney drove his Toyota Celica over McKay as the officer lay on the ground, Floyd grabbed the officer's service weapon and shot and killed Kenney. . . .
OO-RAH, Mr. Floyd and Bravo Zulu to you, sir!
We extend all our heartfelt sympathies to Officer McKay's family.
Posted by tree hugging sister at May 13, 2007 11:50 AM
Charming indeed. Bode Miller's dad can go to Hell.
And Kudos to Mr. Floyd for coming to the assistance of a fallen policeman.
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at May 13, 2007 02:02 PM
Oo-rah indeed for Mr. Floyd.
Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at May 13, 2007 06:36 PM
First and foremost, my condolences and prayers for the fallen Cpl. McKay and his family. But I would be remiss to omit Greg Floyd.
I think this deserves a big ol' FUCK YEAH! for our Marine friend.
Posted by: Nightfly at May 14, 2007 11:47 AM
McKay was a fucking bully!! He was harrassing Liko!
No one in this deserved to die regardless and the situation could have been handled better by law enforcement and the State of NH!!
We, in the State of NH are allowed to carry a gun. If this kid had a history as they say he did, who gave him the gun and how did he get it?
It was Kenny's right to obtain another officer, Mckay denied him that right, and that was wrong, he was supposed to service us!
There are good cops and there are bad cops. Ofcourse, this cop will look good all because he was the 2nd cop to die in the state of nh less than a year!
There's not crime with being an asshole, no one is perfect. But you are supposed to be trained on how to handle a situation, especially where there's a history..
I'm sure it wasn't easy for Floyd to take someone's life either. I feel bad for him, too.
Posted by: NH rite at May 17, 2007 06:11 PM
I am a Police Officer in Sioux Falls, SD and have been for thirteen years. Obviously, somewhere in my training in Constitutional law I must have missed the right of a person stopped for a traffic violation to "obtain" another Officer. The only right the violator has is to ask. That's called freedom of speech. The Officer is not reqired to "obtain" one and no where and at no time does the violator have a right to drive off without the Officer's permission. That is called eluding and in this state it is considered a felony. Once the violator is stopped for eluding the Officer must treat it as a high risk stop and must act accordingly. Kenney had shown his propensity for unpredictable actions and irrational behavior. The Officers use of pepper spray is relatively low on the use of force continuum which most Police Department's use to dictate the level of force neccessary to effect an arrest. His only mistake was leaving his gun in his holster. If anything he was being to lax with Kenney and should have drawn down on him the moment he stopped him after Kenney left the scene of the intitial stop.
The Officer was servicing "us" when he stopped Kenney for speeding, which apparently is a family trait as evidenced by Bode's remarks.
I can guarantee that if he had not been stopped (Kenney or Bode) and had collided with Nightfly's family injuring or killing them, Nightfly would be the first to sue the Officer, the Department, the city and anyone else with a buck because the Officer was not "servicing" us by stopping this type of reckless driving.
It sounds like Kenney was a spoiled rich kid with low self-esteem and an undiagnosed mental health illness (paranoid schizophrenia perhaps).
OO-RAH to Floyd for jumping in where 99% of others would not. Once a Marine, always a Marine. Thank God there are those like Floyd and all the other Armed Forces members out there protecting Nighfly's right to post uninformed, ignorant comments.
May God bless and comfort the family of Officer McKay, one who gave all.
Posted by: Sherlock635 at May 17, 2007 08:29 PM
Bless your heart, Sherlock and thank you.
"There's not crime with being an asshole"
As for NH, well, his ardent defense speaks for itself. 'Harassing', in a town where his cousin is 'royalty' and speaks in national magazines about tormenting the local cop? Please, child. Whatever you're smoking, throw-it-away. I have yet to see where this 'royal' family lodged complaints, petitioned civil boards...you know. Exercised all those avenues to right wrongs done by police officers in any normal jurisdiction. Like here in Bangla-cola ~ folks lodge complaints against the sheriff's department like clockwork. It ALL makes the front page of the paper. It ALL has to be addressed by a civil mediation board if the investigation doesn't satisfy or if it's not investigated at all. And THAT'S just the regular folks in the worst part of town complaining. You're telling ME that 'royalty' couldn't get an 'asshole' (at least) disciplined, IF there was any merit at ALL in their complaints?
And NOTHING excuses your hero pulling that gun. Especially since everyone and their mother knew about their 'history'. NOTHING excuses his actions. He was a MURDERER.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at May 17, 2007 09:14 PM
I think kenney was very wrong for what he did and should have cooperated with the police. On the other hand there are some dirty cops who enjoy harassing people regardless if they are long-haired hippies or not. There are police out there who are bullies with badges and give the good cops a bad name. We say we're a society where the person is innocent before guilty, but in reality, they are guilty until proven innocent. We're starting to see a breakdown in law and order because were not adhering to the constitution and the erosion of the bill of rights. The legal sytem is corrupt, it's a money game, all they care about is getting your money. The poor people suffer, who can't pay to get out of jail.I think police have too much power and that we really live in a police state because people in court will always belive what the police say. With all this polictical correctnes, people are scarred to say what they really believe. There is a lot of suppression and censorship of the truth within government, if you don't wanna agree with them, they will demonize you as a terroist, rascist or whatever to justify locking you up. We don't really know the details of what lead up to this tragedy, but I think Kenney felt he was trapped and if Mckay had a better reputation and shown a little compassion in spite of the fact that Kenney was way out of line, then the tragedy may have been averted.
Posted by: a political outsider at May 17, 2007 10:22 PM
We're starting to see a breakdown in law and order because were not adhering to the constitution and the erosion of the bill of rights.
I think it's more a breakdown in those who refuse to adhere to the 'Rule of Law', vice constitutional abuses.
The poor people suffer, who can't pay to get out of jail
There have always been the disenfranchised, which is why there IS an ACLU or a Southern Poverty Law Center or a public defender. Here we have a very saavy group who keeps the local gendarme under constant notice that they're being watched. We've only got 300K+ people. But I have NO IDEA where your statement refers to this case. These weren't indigent blacks on the street of Brownsville roughed over by Bubba and his deputies! 'Poor'? They were 'royalty'!
And a little compassion? How 'bout a cop with a stop that takes off reacting with PEPPER SPRAY instead of his WEAPON? Sounds pretty compassionate to me! How 'bout four shots to the body and being purposefully run over by the perp as he takes off? That would be the local hero's version of compassion and adult behaviour.
Man, you folks are amazing up there. There are a thousand remedies available to the average citizen in that situation, less mind one who's got national prominence.
What were the remedies available to Cpl. McKay?
Posted by: tree hugging sister at May 17, 2007 10:38 PM