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May 04, 2007
I'm Confused ~ Whose Side
...is al-Reuter's rooting for?
Last campaign day for French presidential candidatesFrance's presidential candidates prepared for a final day of campaigning ahead of Sunday's vote with all opinion polls pointing to a victory for right-winger Nicolas Sarkozy over Socialist Segolene Royal.
Alrighty, then. After one gets through the intricacies of French campaign laws, they describe one candidate thusly:
...Sarkozy, a right-wing former interior minister and the favorite of financial markets, has hammered young hoodlums, illegal immigrants and enthused supporters with his attacks on the left wing protesters of May 1968.Hated and feared as a dangerous authoritarian by many on the left, he has nonetheless been consistently rated the more "presidential" of the two candidates by most voters.
Ms. Royal, on the other hand?
...has struggled to shed an image of fuzzy inconsistency...
She's merely 'fuzzy'. Reuters has it down to Darth Vader...
...vs. a Teletubbie.
The choice is clear, for those who didn't know.
Posted by tree hugging sister at May 4, 2007 11:51 AM
Jeez - anyone that challenges the Lefties is always cast as an ominous threat. Liberalism is Marxism and for the survival of Western culture MUST be defeated.
Posted by: Eric at May 4, 2007 02:19 PM