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May 08, 2007
UnFRICKIN' believable, the limp Richarded corporate toadies dhimmis. Nobody's ever made time for me to dance naked with a bleeding headless chicken either and maybe they should have.
Let me rephrase. I'll make DAMN sure they DO, the next time I hold a payin' job.
HotAir lets Minnesota Somali cabdrivers know where the real pushovers are.
UPDATE: After getting my panties in a wad (Upon getting dressed after returning inside from uninhibited ritual dancing, of course. The bird carcass could be tough to explain...), I have noticed said inflammatory article is dated March 2005. Hmmmm. I wonder what's happened in the meantime. Hold that outrage for just a sec.
UPDATE Redux: Okay, stay outraged. So far I have a REALLY interesting article about how different corporations handled the problem. Dell we know about. WHIRLPOOL, on the other hand, decided to 'just say NO'. Good for them.
...Big employers in the Nashville area have responded in drastically different ways to their Muslim employees' requests to slip away from their workstations for about five minutes to pray.For example, Whirlpool Corp. chose last year to take a similar dispute before a federal jury, which agreed with the company that the employees' sunset-prayer request created an undue hardship on the La Vergne plant's production schedule.
I have all Whirlpool appliances, anyway. However, another of my favorite slimy corporate targets went along with caving to Muslim demands...
...In 2001, Tyson Corp. opened a processing plant in Goodlettsville, where it packages meats for the region's grocery stores.The plant's human resources director said the plant has two Muslim prayer areas. The company also posts the daily prayer times and accommodates the workers by rotating them off the production lines every evening when the sun goes down.
''Yes, it's a challenge for some of our managers because they have to move some folks around,'' said Tyson's Gary Denton. But the company is determined to make it work.
''The way we look at it, we're a company of diverse people.''
...giving me all the more reason not to buy their crappy products. And, as ever, these things are facilitated by intellectual sounding, 'I feel your pain' gobbeldeegook and claptrap.
Posted by tree hugging sister at May 8, 2007 11:35 AM
As a former Dell employee who helped design and build the Nashville factories (although my role in that state was more limited than in Austin), I find it surprising that they caved in.
But then, it is a private company and they can do whatever they want. The manpower needed to run those factories is pretty substantial. They probably still have to bus workers in from a good distance during the christmas rush.
If a chunk of their workers decided to quit, they would be left in a lurch. Just because it's a muslim issue doesn't make it any different than any other labor bargaining. If they have the company over a barrel, the company will give them what they want. And this seems entirely reasonable.
Not knowing the details of the agreement, I imagine they just get a prayer room and an extra break. It's not enough to get scrunched panties over.
Posted by: Mike Rentner at May 8, 2007 12:30 PM
Well, I just hope Dell provides confessional booths for practicing Catholics. And maybe a supply of chickens for the voo doo cultists. Wouldn't want to favor any one religion, now, would we?
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at May 8, 2007 01:03 PM
And, if they made me keep my clothes on ~ which is truly unhealthy for earth-mother-druid types ~ I'd file a grievance.
Of course, if they didn't force me to remain clothed, someone else might file one.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at May 8, 2007 01:12 PM
Sis, it might be better if everyone stripped nekkid. For that multicultural experience, y'know!
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at May 8, 2007 02:00 PM
I think this is an over-reaction. If the Catholics wanted a confessional booth, I'm sure they'd arrange it. But, honestly, how many catholics want such a thing? They probably have a place to hold mass on good friday and other places. What's the big deal? You're not funding this.
Now, with taxi drivers refusing to pick up customers, that's a problem. They are a publicly licensed utility and they are essentially contracted to provide a service.
And besides, this is only temporary until we wipe islam off the face of the earth. I'm looking forward to that day.
Posted by: Mike Rentner at May 8, 2007 02:17 PM
Ever the optimist, my boy. Ever CRANKY, yes...but still an optimist.
Posted by: tree hugging sister at May 8, 2007 02:17 PM
Well, then, how about a Christian chapel? Non-demonominational, but with a cross, offered by Dell for non-Muslim employees. And maybe a synagogue?
Y'know, for the sake of Diversity™.
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at May 8, 2007 02:47 PM
That's me, a cranky optimist with the humor deficient gene. :)
Also, as my wife will attest, I lack the cooking gene. I'm amazed at people who can create food. I just eat whatever is in front of me and can't be bothered with preparation that takes more than about 30 seconds.
Posted by: Mike Rentner at May 8, 2007 04:16 PM
Mike, don't go all gushy on us. Stay sharp, man! Stay focused!
Posted by: tree hugging sister at May 8, 2007 06:01 PM