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June 04, 2007

Is It Any Wonder

...that we have NO CLUE what these Presbyterians are talking about? This is written in "ENGLISH" on one of their happy fatwah/catmeat boards, but...honestly here, Shriners. WTF?

"...or fulfilling his dua of jihad as fard ayn..."

They're debating the merits of the twelve year old who sawed off some poor unfortunate's head. No one is doing the Eddie Izzard part : "Ooooh, bad! Very unsocial behaviour! Saw, saw, hack, hack ~ no cake or death! Or jam!" No one is condemning this as something, God forbid, uncivilized, and wholly inappropriate for twelve year olds to even have KNOWLEDGE of, less mind actually COMMIT the atrocity with film at eleven. These creatures whom with we share a planet are critiquing the act like a presidential candidate might examine his fuzzy navel, vice condemning the culture that makes such an act possible. Vice condemning such a gruesome and inhumane, cowardly and despicable act itself. These Islamic fucking loons are awarding virtual style points instead of wondering what sort of life they're condemning their children to. They're more worried about the video 'spin' than the head bouncing across the floor and the monster they just created. Like he's ever going to worry if his mother is beaten to death or his sister raped and stoned to protect the family honor from this point on?

Or worry when the faction that supported the pater familia switches sides, and the cheering goons in black clan gear need to be taken out. Talk about your Mickey Mouse operation...

UPDATE: In the comments, Mike says "We can't kill enough of these people."

Mike is right.

Militants to release video of GIs' capture in Iraq
Web site says video clips will show seizure of 3 Americans in mid-May

An Islamic militant Web site said Monday it would soon release video clips showing the capture of three American soldiers who disappeared following an ambush in Iraq in mid-May. The body of one soldier was later found, but the other two remain missing.

The video shows the kidnapping as well as footage from after the attack, according to the Washington-based SITE Institute, which said it had obtained the 10-minute, 41-second clip.

Posted by tree hugging sister at June 4, 2007 12:11 AM


I am so tired of our candyass response to these sick fucks.

Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at June 4, 2007 08:50 AM

We can't kill enough of these people.

Posted by: Mike Rentner at June 4, 2007 10:00 AM

Maybe not, but what say we give it the old college try just the same?

Posted by: mojo at June 4, 2007 03:53 PM

Mike is right. Being brutal and ruthless to them should be a no brainer but nooo we have to be kinder...

Posted by: major dad at June 4, 2007 04:05 PM