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June 02, 2007
More Presbyterian Menace
I'll have to ask my pastor about this
NEW YORK -- As first reported by NewsChannel4's Jonathan Dienst, three people were arrested and one other was being sought Saturday in connection to a plot to blow up jet-fuel lines at John F. Kennedy International Airport, officials said.Four people have been charged. Three suspects are in custody: Russell Defreitas, Kareem Ibrihim and Abdul Kadir. Another suspect, Abdul Nur is still at large.
Oh wait, they do mention a minor piece of trivia
Defreitas is a U.S. citizen with roots in Guyana.Kadir, a former member of Parliament in Guyana, was arrested in Trinidad for attempting to secure money for "terrorist operations," according to a Guyanese police commander who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Kadir, a Muslim, left his position in Parliament last year. Muslims make up about 9 percent of the former Dutch and British colony's 770,000 population, mostly from the Sunni sect.
Not that it has any relevance to the plot, mind you.
Update: As always, Tim Blair can sniff out these Knoxites from thousands of miles away!
Posted by Mr. Bingley at June 2, 2007 03:58 PM
Utterly amazing how the media goes above and beyond to protect the image of the religion of pieces. Meanwhile our soldiers are labeled "Nazis" if they so much as look at a terrorist in a menacing way.
Posted by: Gunslinger at June 3, 2007 10:31 AM
Will Scotland be punished for this latest Presbyterian atrocity?
Posted by: Tainted Bill at June 3, 2007 07:04 PM