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October 02, 2007
Dhimma Bells, Dhimma Bells
It's Dhimmitude time in the city
Oak Lawn Schools May Cancel Holiday Traditions School District To Discuss Possible Cancellation Or Renaming Of Holiday Celebrations(CBS) OAK LAWN, Ill. A southwest suburban school district has taken action, responding to the concerns of a parent who is Arabic.
But now, as CBS 2's Suzanne Le Mignot reports, other parents are angry that traditional school holidays will be renamed or even eliminated.
"That does not represent all the Muslims, all of the Arabs at that school," said Qais Nofel, the father of a student in Ridgeland School District 122.
There was some heated discussion between parents outside Columbus Manor Elementary School in Oak Lawn on Friday. The thought of no more traditional holiday celebrations has many parents really upset.
For now, children in Ridgeland School District 122 will celebrate fall festival instead of Halloween and winter festival instead of Christmas.
It's not our country any more.
Posted by Mr. Bingley at October 2, 2007 07:30 AM
Looks like Napoleon the pig was right. All animals are equal but some are more equal than others.
"That does not represent all the Muslims, all of the Arabs at that school," said Qais Nofel, the father of a student in Ridgeland School District 122.
Notice how Qais won't actually denounce such stupidity but rather covers his own ass with a cheap "Wasn't me!" excuse.
Posted by: Gunslinger at October 2, 2007 09:13 AM
Note that the Chicago area has a long tradition of doing stupid things collectively. The suburbs are worse than the city itself, if you can believe that. Having lived in the region for 5 years, I experienced some truly awesome idiocy.
OTOH, what Gunslinger said.
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at October 2, 2007 09:45 AM
Sorry, I should of said, "I lived in the region for 5 years, and I experienced some truly awesome idiocy there." Caffeine didn't kick in quick enough!
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at October 2, 2007 09:47 AM