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January 09, 2008

"Weekend at Bernie's"

Moron edition.

The corpse in the chair was a dead giveaway

Two men wheeled a dead man through the streets in an office chair to a check-cashing store Tuesday and tried to cash his Social Security check before being arrested on fraud charges, police said.

“Hell’s Kitchen has a rich history,” said Paul J. Browne, a police spokesman, “but this is one for the books.”

Posted by tree hugging sister at January 9, 2008 08:49 PM


A co-worker told me about this today; we were cryin' with laughter.

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at January 9, 2008 09:23 PM

I had a date once, and she should have been hauled around in a wheel chair.

Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at January 9, 2008 11:04 PM

PS: That's a joke! I've had more than one date.

Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at January 9, 2008 11:05 PM

Back O/T.......

I read this during lunch, and thought it was an Onion article. Nope, it's true.

How does that Jeff Fox routine go? Oh, yeah..... "Here's your sign!"

Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at January 9, 2008 11:06 PM

That's got to be the new definition of a stiffed check.

Posted by: Dave E. at January 10, 2008 12:25 AM

(That's Bill Engvald, Jeff. So here's YOUR...{8^P)

Posted by: tree hugging sister at January 10, 2008 09:53 AM


Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at January 10, 2008 04:06 PM

I suppose this is what happens when a person's entire frame of reference is shaped by bad comedy movies. You start to think that even truly lame-ass schemes will work.

(A friend of mine once had a college student in his class who had a major revelation: "Movies aren't like real life! You never see anyone brushing their teeth in the movies!" )

Posted by: ricki at January 11, 2008 11:33 AM