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March 28, 2008
11 Words Of Pure Wisdom
And as Allah says, the Best Book Title Evah
A self-help guide called "If You Want Closure In Your Relationship, Start With Your Legs" has been voted the oddest book title of the year.The book beat off competition from I Was Tortured By the Pygmy Love Queen to win The Bookseller magazine's prize.
Cheese Problems Solved took third place in a poll which attracted 8,500 votes.
Joel Rickett, deputy editor of The Bookseller, said of the winner: "So effective is the title that you don't even need to read the book itself."
He added that it "makes redundant an entire genre of self-help tomes".
Hehehe. The comments on Amazon are rather amusing, as well.
Posted by Mr. Bingley at March 28, 2008 01:59 PM