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March 20, 2008
Blame It On Whitey Nuance
...instead of your own craven stupidity.
Democrat Barack Obama suffered in the polls Thursday after a much-acclaimed speech on race that, pundits said, had failed to defuse voters' anger over rage-filled sermons by his former pastor.
And check this out, children. The Messiah is humbled?
... "In some ways this controversy has actually shaken me up a little bit and gotten me back into remembering that, you know, the odds of me getting elected have always been lower than some of the other conventional candidates," the Illinois senator told CNN in an interview that aired late Wednesday.
I swear to God, for a minute there I thought they were quoting Geraldine Ferraro...
“If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position,” she continued. “And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is...
...doncha think?
UPDATE: YEEEEEouch! Gerry's piisssssedd...
...“To equate what I said with what this racist bigot has said from the pulpit is unbelievable,” Ferraro told the Los Angeles newspaper, The Daily Breeze, on Wednesday. “He gave a very good speech on race relations, but he did not address the fact that this man is up there spewing hatred.”...“What this man is doing is he is spewing that stuff out to young people, and to younger people than Obama, and putting it in their heads that it’s OK to say ‘God damn America’ and it’s OK to beat up on white people,” she said. “You don’t preach that from the pulpit.”
Posted by tree hugging sister at March 20, 2008 03:09 PM
Were I Gerry, I'd be pissed too.
But once again the Dhimmicrats play their moral equivalence game, only on each other. I don't know that we will see actual bloodshed from this political infighting, but this will continue going downhill.
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at March 20, 2008 07:46 PM
The Donks will kiss and make up and put their phony little game faces on just in time for the actual election.
That's probably what nauseates me the most about elections, the utter hypocrisy of tearing into each other like ravenous jackals during the primaries and then pretending to be the best of friends during the general election.
A pox on all of them.
Posted by: Gunslinger at March 20, 2008 08:23 PM
Maybe, Gunslinger. If Billary doesn't burn too many bridges, that's possible. But I ain't gonna bet on this, either way.
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at March 20, 2008 11:59 PM