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April 10, 2008

Who Was It That Said Cheaters

...only hurt themselves?

Marion Jones' teammates stripped of medals

Disgraced sprinter's relay teams won 1,600, were 3rd in 400 in 2000 Games

Marion Jones’ former relay teammates paid the price Thursday for her doping offenses, losing their medals from the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

...IOC legal adviser Francois Carrard, who assisted the disciplinary panel investigating the case, said the U.S. Olympic Committee has been ordered to return the medals.

Bitch. First her angry denials and then to sit there sniveling when FORCED to 'fess up, while still trying to play 'the victim':
...Her admission in court Friday differed from what she relayed to family and friends in a letter she sent in advance of the hearing, in which she said she used the clear in 1999 and 2000. The Post obtained a copy of the letter.

"In 1999, my track coach Trevor Graham provided me with some nutritional supplements," Jones said, according to the letter. "There is one in particular that he called 'flaxseed oil.' He advised me to take this supplement by placing a few drops under my tongue and then swallow. . . . I trusted him and never thought for one second that he would jeopardize my career, nor his own. . . . He supplied me this for the 1999 and 2000 seasons."

Makes me sick. I think steroids in base-ah-bah-roo might be treated differently if users tainted their teams' records, don't you? Give back a league pennant or two and watch what happens. And really...why is baseball ~ where the "team's" record is entirely dependent on individual performance ~ a sport where a miscreant's exposure for cheating doesn't f*ck over the rest of the team?

Posted by tree hugging sister at April 10, 2008 10:50 AM


She has no class.

Posted by: Skyler at April 10, 2008 05:02 PM

Hey Skyler, i agree with you..

Posted by: healthyfoodstoday at April 11, 2008 02:03 AM