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May 12, 2008
Who’d Vote for THAT Cranky, Lyin’, Cheatin’, Ancient Ass Old Bastard??
I mean really?!?!! Lemme 'splain how I came to this.
Instapundit's link to a post on a NYT story yesterday got me thinking. Not because of the obvious 'inconsistencies' in the story itself, but because they use the term "soft touch" to describe it. A little background ~ being one of the three households left in the country who actually GET the NYT Sunday edition thrown inaccurately towards our vehicles each weekend, I got to see the SECOND Obama article as presented IN the paper and found the ‘soft focus’ of the two HUGE pictures accompanying it off-putting enough that I couldn't even read it. I just waved it at major dad and sputtered something unladylike (I think it had to do with lubrication ~ of the camera lens.). This warm fuzzy took up two thirds of the bottom half...
...while an close-up of earnest Obama eyes dominating two thirds of the top. In FULL color, the both of them.
Major, MAJOR Barrack MacDreamyQuiverin', leg MacShiverin' material. Sweet baby Jesus, who doesn't just want to HUG this guy?!?!?!
While bringing this obvious tilt of the old girl's beam to light for those subscriptionless losers in the world, I stumbled across the NYT bio page of the sweet son of HOPE and CHANGE. Dear. God. Every headline is poetry! Struggle, unity, pragmatism, STAR POWER, race, closing income gaps, dogs and cats, living together....STOP. Hold the sandtrout!
He IS the KWISATZ HADERACH and controls the Spice.
Take a deep cleansing breath. Now. For perspective, contrast those with the headlines a la John McCain's NYT bio. Hence, my post title. They reveal nothing but a broken down old man dealing in ghosts, busted marriages, developers’ ties, Republicans and his own arrogance.
And he'll probably die any minute. He's THAT f*ckin' old, in case you didn't notice.
Posted by tree hugging sister at May 12, 2008 10:58 AM
Did you read the Newsweek smackdown delivered by the McCain campaign? Sweet!
And oddly related. It's like the MSM, lead by the NYT, as pushing Obama as Our Saviour™.
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at May 12, 2008 01:59 PM
"He IS the KWISATZ HADERACH and controls the Spice."
May his blade chip and shatter.
Posted by: Dave J at May 12, 2008 07:26 PM