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June 04, 2008
Jury acquits Marine of covering up Iraq killings
Officer was accused of ordering troops to delete photos of 24 slain civiliansA Marine intelligence officer has been acquitted of charges that he tried to help cover up the killings of 24 Iraqi men, women and children.
...Grayson, who has always maintained he did nothing wrong, was not present at the scene of the killings on Nov. 19, 2005, in Haditha. He was accused of telling a sergeant to delete photographs of the dead from a digital camera and laptop computer.
Grayson was found not guilty of two counts of making false official statements, two counts of trying to fraudulently separate from service, and one count of attempt to deceive by making false statements.
Posted by tree hugging sister at June 4, 2008 09:54 PM
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at June 4, 2008 10:46 PM
Yet another Marine that Murtha owes an apology.
Posted by: Gunslinger at June 5, 2008 06:48 AM
Right. The only People that needed to be charged are Wuterich and LtCol Chessani.
Posted by: Skyler at June 5, 2008 01:19 PM