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June 11, 2008
Oh, the Cutthroat World of Slutty Little Girl
A jury will learn that the creator of the popular Bratz doll erased files from his computer two days before handing it over as evidence in a federal trademark infringement lawsuit filed by Mattel Inc , a judge in California ruled on Tuesday.Mattel has sued family-owned MGA, claiming it owns the original Bratz concept drawings and that doll's creator, Carter Bryant made them and other Bratz drawings and models while he was under contract to Mattel as a Barbie designer.
Mattel contends that MGA poached Bryant to shore up sagging toy offerings, then tried to hide the connection when Bratz became a runaway hit in 2001.

I'd sure want my six year old dressing like that.
Posted by tree hugging sister at June 11, 2008 09:17 AM
So, he thought he was "erasing sexually explicit pop-up ads"--and whoops, that doll stuff got erased, too? I guess he thought that would sound plausible, given their, um, appearance.
(I know one blogger who has his daughter trained to alert him to change the channel when ads for those dolls come on. I don't get why they sell at all.)
Posted by: Kate P at June 11, 2008 09:42 AM
Shit, the ones you have pictured there are the modest ones, THS. There's just some thing that makes the little girls love them. I let my daughters play with them, but we are very restrictive about which dolls they can own and what kind of clothing they are allowed to have for the dolls.
FWIW, the cartoon movies they have made from these (oh yes, there are many) actually promote very good values. Go figure.
Posted by: Cullen at June 11, 2008 01:39 PM
Oh, for the days when parents got mad when their children turned Ken and Barbie into cross-dressers!
Or, even worse, when Barbie was kitted up with clothing and equipment meant for GI Joe. ;-P
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at June 11, 2008 03:26 PM