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July 30, 2008

I Thought the Mexicans Were Handling Everything on Their End

...just fine?

Salmonella outbreak tied to irrigation water

CDC says it has found 'smoking gun' that led to 1,300 people falling ill

The salmonella strain linked to a nationwide outbreak has been found in irrigation water and a serrano pepper at a Mexican farm, federal health officials said Wednesday.

Madre de dios, numbnuts! What's the FIRST, inviolate rule for visiting Mexico?

DON'T drink the agua mierda.

Florida's tomato farmers thank you.

Posted by tree hugging sister at July 30, 2008 06:24 PM


It took the destruction of 250 million dollars of
US grown tomatoes-with no valid reason- for this
story to reach the stage of extreme absurdity.
The first day of the scare I thought,it's probably
Mexican produce,which is fertilized with human feces.Tomatoes? I don't think so.Go to Tijuania
and you'll see the new world-and smell it..Our
fate has been sealed by this episode of incompetency..

Posted by: greg newson at July 30, 2008 11:22 PM

Bah. Team Diarrhea nailed this down weeks ago. The hacks at the CDC are only exceeded by the hacks in the MSM who so gullibly lap up what is vomited in their direction.

Posted by: Dave E. at July 30, 2008 11:54 PM

Good work! You're on top of this Sh#t.Excuse the pun.I feel sorry for those poor farmers losing their crops.Can they claim the lose on their taxes?

Posted by: greg newson at July 31, 2008 12:59 AM

Undocumented peppers?

Posted by: Mr. Bingley at July 31, 2008 06:28 AM

They're just peppers doing to work that American produce won't do.

Posted by: nightfly at July 31, 2008 09:35 AM