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October 16, 2008
Lots of Laughter
...from some really stupid people...
...who haven't a clue that he's dissing them. At least someone in that crowd has to have a blue collar job, right?
Thanks to ninjapirate over in the comments.
UPDATE: More assness, courtesy of the Vice Chairman for Education, Hope and Opportunity, People's Republic of Obama. Let me reiterate the update from the post below...
...Mr. Wurzelbacher was playing football in his front yard with his son, Joey, on Sunday afternoon when Mr. Obama made an unscheduled stop to go door to door greeting voters and asking for their support.
In his own yard. Minding his own business. And then the JoeHole gets a shot at you, too? Jeez.
Posted by tree hugging sister at October 16, 2008 08:15 PM
The best quote to sum up what Obama has just done to his campaign can be lifted from what Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto said after he successfully surprised attacked Pearl Harbor:
"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."
Newsflash to all you red commy bastards on the left:
"American's live here!" Give us liberty or give us death! We'll take liberty every time!
Posted by: ComOB at October 16, 2008 09:54 PM
Asshats, one and all.
Posted by: The_Real_JeffS at October 16, 2008 11:42 PM
Love the Admiral Yamamoto quote - perfect analogy!
Joe the Plumber has legs. I think a great deal of the younger voters have no idea what "spread the wealth around" means, and most haven't a clue what is in the Communist Manifesto. Think about it. The youngest voters were in grade school when the USSR imploded. They don't have it in their psyche to recognize what socialism and communism really look like.
Someone needs to post a video tour of the, ahem, beauty of East Berlin during the wall period.
Posted by: Ace at October 17, 2008 12:43 AM
Now the leftist media and obamabot bloggers are trashing Joe the plumber. We know more about this guy in 1 day than we know about obama.
Posted by: geevill at October 17, 2008 08:43 AM
More people like Joe the Plumber vote than do the twenty-somethings that are raving about The One.
And remember how much we heard about the polls being wrong in the last two elections.
Wait for the fat lady, I don't think she's going to be singing Kumbaya.
Posted by: Retread at October 17, 2008 08:45 AM
I wonder if the time has come for someone to maybe post all the dirty laundry on the editors at the New York Times and anyone else that has played a part in the assault on Joe the Plumber. And by "dirty laundry," I don't mean sex scandals or illegalities. No, I just want to know their credit history, if they've ever missed payments on bills, if they've been divorced, what the contents of their divorce file say about them, what their assets are, how much they earn, what party they are registered to, if they have ever given any money to a candidate or cause, how much they give to charity, where they live (full address and home phone, please), what their Internet viewing habits are, what kind of car they drive, if they fly coach or first class, how much water they use, how much sewage they produce, how much electricity their homes use, how energy efficient their washer/dryer is, how many children they have, where their children go to school, how much they pay in tuition, what their favorite restaurants are, if they've ever had any unpaid parking tickets, speeding tickets or overdue library books. How's that for a start? I think it's time somebody makes these pompous scumbags understand how it feels. Who's with me?
Posted by: JB at October 17, 2008 06:20 PM