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October 19, 2008
So, It's Sunday Afternoon
Not finding any slow field rats...
...Ozzie and Beau are left to wonder what's for da dinner? Well, whaddo I got?
Plenty, 'twould seem.
Let's talk stuffing. 4 pieces of deevine Nueske's bacon, diced up and crisping. But I can't decide what smells better ~ the bacon or the toasted LOCAL pecans...
Ahhhhh. Yums. Get the bacon pieces crispy and slotted spoon them into a large bowl.
Add a pat of butter and then a small, diced onion and about 3 garlic cloves. Soften 'em up.
Add a diced apple and those pecans and let the apple soften as well. At this point I added some chopped fresh parsley, dried celery flakes, thyme and rubbed sage. The gentle heat really gets the aromatics singing.
Okay, major dad! (The man will not quit.)
Add to the bacon waiting patiently in the large bowl...
...and then mix in about 2 cups of the crumbled homemade cornbread, Prudhomme's Blackened Redfish to taste and some chicken stock to get it moistened. (But not to sticky glop stage.) Now, for the slasher movie...
"Come to me my pretty."
Slide a SHARP knife down the length of the rib bones...
...and then ~ without completely separating the loin from the bones ~ begin slicing the length until you've created and "unrolled" loin.
(I also moderately "frenched" the rib ends.) Salt and pepper, schmear with stuffing, and roll 'er on up.
Truss that puppy front...
...and back...
...then get him acquainted with a roasting pan. (AFTER you've replaced the stuffing that escaped from his sides and liberally sprinkled him with thyme, sage, garlic salt and cracked pepper.)
He'll love you for it. 350º until 145º internal temp. This old boy was a tad over 4 lbs and about 1 1/2 hrs.
And WHAT in the wild, wild world of sports TOOK so long?!?!?
Oh, that's MUCH better now! Thing Q, my darling! I can concentrate again. Pork ~ When he's done, put him on the cutting board, tent him and let him rest 15 or so minutes. Then drain off most of the fat in the roasting pan, add a pat of butter and about 2-3 T flour, and WORK those brown yummies!
The small pan behind has a combination of vermouth and chicken stock (schmaybe 3C all together) that's been gently reducing to about 1 1/2C this whole time. Once your flour's cooked into the pan and the cooked-on nummies are coming off the bottom, slowly add the liquid and stir. It should start to thicken up immediately and you'll be able to loosen it up to the gravy of your choice with the addition of more dribbles of chicken stock. I strained it, but there's not a dang thing there that was inedible, should you choose to go rustic. I also just added cracked pepper, since there's lots of salt and herbs in the pan from the roast's initial seasoning and stuffing spillage. (Taste well before you add anything.)
Untent that happy puerko gordo and check out just how pretty he is.
Honestly, take a moment to bask in your handiwork and receive the kudos of those in the kitchen.
Add some of major dad's World Famous Creamy Mashed 'Taters, one of his beauteous salads, and then...well...eat.
Melt in your diggetydadgum mouth, I tell ya.
Scotties and lab not included.
Posted by tree hugging sister at October 19, 2008 09:18 PM
Wow, looks wonderful!
Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at October 19, 2008 11:14 PM
No photoblogging, but I made a cream of asparagus soup this evening. Very good. Then steaks with Montreal Steak Seasoning, and corn on the side. It was very good.
Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at October 19, 2008 11:16 PM
Lord have mercy! I'm headin' to Publix.
Posted by: Mockingbird at October 20, 2008 09:24 AM
Hot diggity doodles, that looks tasty!
How come I only gets spam when I visits?
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at October 20, 2008 08:55 PM
That looks so yummy!
Posted by: Cindermutha at October 27, 2008 04:43 PM