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December 05, 2008
A Hot, Steamy, Heartfelt FOAD
...to the mahROONS f*cking PINHEADS WEASEL D*CK LOSERS inhabiting the Escambia County Commissioners' chairs.
Escambia County commissioners are considering a gasoline tax to pay for running Escambia County Area Transit buses.However, with transit usage at a 50-year peak nationally, including vastly increased bus ridership in Escambia, more funding will be needed. And transit officials say it's likely state and federal funds could fall short next year.
(The article makes no mention of the fact that the county already HAS a $.06 gas tax in situ.) It appears that bus ridership has increased exponentially, which is why they want the extra dinero. As opposed to 2007, when there WAS no bus ridership, hence they wanted the extra dine...you get it.
An especially fervent shout-out to our own carpetbagger Gene Valentino for royally F*CKING OVER his OWN district!!! Yee HAW! THERE'S bi-partisan ignorantship at work!
Moron quote of the day? Oh, THAT belongs to that deep thinking, young whippersnapper of the bunch, Grover Robinson.
...Commissioner Grover C. Robinson IV said. "I see it as a true user fee. If you want to pay less of it, ride the bus.We have got to reduce our dependency on foreign oil."
Hey, GROVER!!! How 'bout we DRILL right offshore? Huh? Where ya stand on THAT?
As for your smug, simplistic sloganeering about "ride the bus": since you live in the part of town SERVED by said bus, that's easy, cheesey for YOU, little man. If you live out where the majority of the county lives (ths waves hand violently here), please note a simple fact: THERE AIN'T NO BUS. As we succinctly pointed out in January 2007, whence last you all pulled a "ride the bus" gas tax on a then $3/gal out your fat, collective asses.
Let me revisit a few of the more cogent arguments I made:
This tax would go to 'save' the bus system*, not expand it to the hundreds of miles of county (likePi...Mr. Valentino's district ) which have never (and will never) witness a bus rumbling through, but ARE full of the hardworking, minimum wage renters that the county is famous for. And carefully fosters the climate for, keeping it favorable for the endless supply of drones required by our captains of local industry. These people have to DRIVE for their $7/hr. These people have no property to get a break on. Most are probably not subscribers to the local paper (which has to be delivered by minimum wage types in CARS, too) and pretty informationally challenged. And then there're those lucky, forgotten folks who live in the upper 4/5's wasteland of the county* but WORK in the privileged lower 5th. The highlighted area (click for full size) is the sum and parcel of the ENTIRE Escambia County Area Transit service.
*As their own route map says "Some routes do not travel every route as depicted on this map" (DAMN, THAT'S helpful!)
And what's happened to the farthest reaches of the county in the intervening years? Big county employers like Solutia Corp. (up bumf*ck north, almost at the border) is laying off about 171 workers and GE (on the bay, at the very eastern reaches) is letting over 70 go. That doesn't include all the teensy little firms dumping their 3 or 4 or 5 employees into the unemployed line. And, thanks in great measure to Escambia County government, teensy little employers are what we're all about! I'm sure those folks will be THRILLED to help finance a bus line they CAN'T use with extra funds they DON'T have, as they look for all those jobs that DON'T exist here in the employment armpit of the Gulf.
Come to think of it, maybe the 50 or so folks the Pensacola News Journal is laying off live mostly in ECAT ridership areas! If they do, Grover, you're in like flint.
But for you, Mr. Valentino, I have something special planned. It's a big, fat, pissed-off constituent phone call, so tell your secretary to stand by! And I'm giving YOUR number to all my bus-riding-challenged friends in our little 'hood here.
Oh, you betcha.
Posted by tree hugging sister at December 5, 2008 08:38 AM
Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at December 5, 2008 09:38 AM
Classic government move.
Posted by: Skyler at December 5, 2008 10:21 AM
Hmm. Ridership has increased, according to the article, to the point where some buses are 'standing room only even in the middle of the day.'
Aren't these people charged fares to ride the bus? Where's all that increased revenue gone?
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at December 5, 2008 10:27 AM
"I see it as a true user fee"
Holy crap. That's so brutally dishonest it's beyond Orwellian. Of course he could just be stupid or crazy, but since he's a politician I'll stick with dishonest.
Posted by: Dave E. at December 5, 2008 02:04 PM
That sort of comment is a good basis for a recall petition.
Posted by: JeffS (formerly The_Real_JeffS) at December 5, 2008 02:29 PM
That's some dammed fine ass-kickin' and name-takin' right there.
Posted by: Jim - PRS at December 6, 2008 04:50 AM
Well, thank you, Jim!
And Dave, I choose to believe he's ALL of the above. {8^P
Posted by: tree hugging sister at December 6, 2008 10:24 AM