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January 26, 2009

And Here I Thought It was a "Green" Way

...to recycle those prayer rugs.

Indonesia's top Islamic body banned Muslims from practicing yoga that contains Hindu rituals like chanting, the chairman of the group said Monday, citing concerns it would corrupt their faith.

Besides eventually ruling the world, can anybody tell me why you'd want to be Islamic? There just doesn't seem to be a lot of joy in it.

Posted by tree hugging sister at January 26, 2009 10:09 AM


I think the "joy" (such as it is) comes from controlling other people's lives.

Sometimes I wonder if some of those Islamic groups are not a bit like Animal Farm (or the old Communist Party), where the grunts are told to labor and die and are not allowed to enjoy stuff, but the mullahs live in luxury and (just perhaps) secretly get a shot at the things the Average Mo is banned from having....

I've seen ads on one of the channels here for a "Christianized" form of yoga, the implication being that that made it safe for people to do without corrupting their faith. I admit I find that a bit creepy too - I've done yoga and I haven't felt any desire to worship many-handed gods.

Posted by: ricki at January 26, 2009 10:27 AM

The world won't be worth ruling if it has to live this way... so I'd revise that to "no reason whatsoever."

Posted by: nightfly at January 26, 2009 10:28 AM

I'll have to paraphrase ye olde sage, Colonel Hogan: "Life is so much easier when one person does all the thinking".

Posted by: Rob at January 26, 2009 11:30 AM

Ricki, some Christian sects view meditation techniques (regardless of the style, Zen, yoga, etc) as unacceptable. I forget the reasoning, but I've known people to quit martial arts because meditation is part of the training.

Posted by: JeffS at January 26, 2009 12:53 PM

What about "Zumba!"?

Posted by: tree hugging sister at January 26, 2009 04:54 PM