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February 22, 2009
Brother, Reading This?
..."This is a horrible tragedy, but it gives us a window," said Abdul-Ghafur, editor of the anthology "Living Islam Out Loud: American Muslim Women Speak." "The next time a woman comes to her imam and says, 'He hit me,' the reply might not be, 'Be patient, sister, is there something you did, sister? Is there something you can do?'The chances are greater the imam will say, 'This is unacceptable."'
"GREATER"? "The chances are GREATER"?!?!?! You've got bigger problems than you know. Get your misogynist, intolerant, religious heads out your asses.
Until the day EVERY Muslim religious leader in these United States tells each and every schwinging schwanz in their mosque to keep their filthy hands to themselves, until there is outright condemnation ~ in EVERY instance ~ of the marginalization and virtual enslavement of Muslim women, regardless of WHAT the males think that book tells them they can do, you will be looked at with suspicion and DISGUST. (Kind of how I look at my liberal sisters when they conveniently ignore the subjugation of your women abroad and HERE.)
How inconvenient that this murderous asshole exposed the flaw in your whole "religion of peace wants to co-exist with our neighbor and not get glared at while shopping" charade. Until the mouths in the mosque are preaching what the mouthpieces in the street are pretending to believe (while claiming their aggrieved status as a persecuted people, no less), there will be no end to the 'misunderstanding' you all love to hold close. When, in the face of such beastiality, the best one of your "moderates" can do is hope for a "greater chance" that an imam would chastize the beater vice the beatee? As an American woman, I should accept so pitiful a response as answer to my questions about the very humanity of your religion, less mind its place in this most equal and free of countries in the world?
It makes me sick. YOU. Make me sick.
And your prevarications excusing atrocity have no place here.
Posted by tree hugging sister at February 22, 2009 10:26 PM
"Until the day EVERY Muslim religious leader in these United States tells each and every schwinging schwanz in their mosque to keep their filthy hands to themselves, until there is outright condemnation ~ in EVERY instance ~ of the marginalization and virtual enslavement of Muslim women, regardless of WHAT the males think that book tells them they can do, you will be looked at with suspicion and DISGUST."
*thunderous applause*
I couldn't have said it better. That is exactly what muslims and their apologist lackies better start understanding. Silence is what aids and abets the neanderthalic, misogynistic pigs of islam.
Posted by: Gunslinger at February 22, 2009 11:16 PM
Bravo! Bravo! Enough of this covering for the barbarians by appeasers.
Posted by: JeffS at February 22, 2009 11:33 PM
We should never rest until this religion is wiped off the face of the Earth.
Posted by: Skyler at February 23, 2009 12:00 AM
Amen and amen.
Posted by: Jim - PRS at February 23, 2009 04:20 AM
Posted by: nightfly at February 23, 2009 11:18 AM
Never happen. It's inna book!
It's not that they don't understand the concept, you know. It's that their religion is sick and twisted. Always has been, but most folks never got to see it. Now they do.
Posted by: mojo at February 23, 2009 03:28 PM
I worked with this guy from Lebanon about 15 years ago.I was going through a divorce at the time and
told him about my problems.Honestly,
he said,if your wife leaves you in the Middle East , you have the right to kill her and nobody says anything.
I guess you can take the man out of the Middle East,
but you can't take the Middle East out of the man.
A religion of peace is a fallacy.It's a religion of peace as long you do what they want.
Posted by: greg newson at February 23, 2009 10:51 PM