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February 06, 2009
"I Voted for Him. Now I'm Wondering..."
"I think I made the wrong decision."
Bless her heart. Even though I have no concept of the pain, good for her. That son of hers ~ all those daughters and sons ~ deserve justice. More importantly, they deserve the full support of the country in pursuit of that justice.
Posted by tree hugging sister at February 6, 2009 10:12 PM
Poor woman...what a slap in the face. I love that she turned down an invitation from the White House.
Posted by: Eric at February 6, 2009 10:58 PM
Obama is going to surpass Buchannan as the worst President ever and in record time.
Posted by: Gunslinger at February 6, 2009 11:07 PM
It didn't happen under his watch.Sad, but they spent 300 million dollars to repair that ship.
A criminal theft of taxpayer money.Three hundred million to repair a hole in a ship! The evil of this system is so deep that the death of those sailors has become a tool for the evil of the system.It is sad, yes, but they were military
and that's part of the risk one takes.Into the Valley of Death rode the six hundred.
God Bless those who die for us,the sick politicans should all be lined up against a wall.
Posted by: greg newson at February 6, 2009 11:32 PM
8 years later, the greatest message we can send to
world is to rebuild the twin towers.It won't happen for at least another ten years.The criminals won.
The evil traitors have control.It doesn't matter
Democrat or Republican.The sickness is so deep it
has contaminated everything.We lost control when the average American went along with the seat belt law.Go to jail or be shot by the pigs for not wearing a seat belt.They can kill you and nothing
will happen.Maybe, a video will cause some problems,
but only until the people quiet down.
Posted by: greg newson at February 7, 2009 12:34 AM
finish your "game over" tantrum and get your act together. This game is far from over.
Posted by: Gunslinger at February 7, 2009 01:00 AM
Gunslinger: I couldn't get 'game over' to download.
It is true what I say.The most powerful person in
the world,more than the President or Senators, is
the cop that pulls you over.He can kill you for no reason,'except a furtive gesture' and will walk to freedom.At the most he'll be fired.No appeals at twelve o'clock to the Supreme Court for you as a corpse.
That is what we've become a nation looking over our
shoulder, yet afraid to say the truth.
The singer Merle Haggard once said that he felt
more free while on parole in the 1960's than he
does in the year 2000.There hasn't been one Supreme
Court ruling against the police or government power in over 25 years.
Posted by: greg newson at February 7, 2009 01:59 AM
That poor woman. God bless her and her family.
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at February 7, 2009 11:21 AM
If this is after less than two weeks, Obama's popularity will soon make GWB look like a rock star by comparison.
"There hasn't been one Supreme Court ruling against the police or government power in over 25 years."
That, sir, is both false and ridiculous.
Posted by: Dave J at February 7, 2009 12:22 PM
Mayhap, but I really do almost dislike our judicial system more than our legislative, namely because of things like this.
Posted by: Ebola at February 7, 2009 06:09 PM
Ebola, I'm no fan of judicial overreach. I've fought it on behalf of the political branches for my entire legal career, first as a legislative staff attorney and now as a prosecutor. But the opinion you cited, narrowing the exclusionary rule, is entirely defensible.
No other country HAS the exclusionary rule, and it is a late-19th century remedy gradually broadened and only applied to the states by the Warren Court in Mapp v. Ohio in the early 1960's. The idea that the general public should be punished for the misconduct, let alone the good-faith mistakes, of individual police, in order to change police behavior, is both demonstrably ineffective AND not a requirement of any 4th Amendment that James Madison would himself recognize. Putting the police on the hook civilly would be a far more effective deterrent, with the bonus of not letting the factually guilty get a windfall.
Posted by: Dave J at February 7, 2009 08:11 PM
Posted by: Htimkdzw at July 13, 2009 11:23 PM