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February 21, 2009

If You Have HBO, In 35 Minutes Tune In

UPDATE: Oh, man.

It was a love letter. A heartbreaking, uplifting, Semper Fidelis love letter.

Thank you, HBO.

Posted by tree hugging sister at February 21, 2009 07:26 PM


Oh man is right.

Very well done.

Posted by: rickinstl at February 21, 2009 09:50 PM

I got to meet Kevin Bacon one time when I was the adjutant for OCS. He was about to star in a movie named "A Few Good Men" where he playes a Marine lawyer. He wanted to meet some Marine officers and see what OCS was like. I had to set up the gig for him to spend the day with some of the infantry officers at the school at that time.

He was very nice. I was surprised that he was as short and skinny as I was. Everyone looks so big on the screen.

I know that this Chance movie is supposed to be so moving and nice, but I don't feel like watching it, even if I had HBO. Black Hawk down is also on and I've tried to watch it a few times, but I really have no taste for it.

This Chance movie is likely better than most, but I don't feel like being depressed. I don't like the only portrayals of war to be so negative, or in this case, just sad. I want this war to be remembered as having been fought by men who weren't afraid, and who fought hard and won. I think the men who died in my battalion might have wished the same, but I don't pretend to speak for them.

But I wish Kevin Bacon well. I know that he takes his job seriously and likes portraying Marines positively.

Posted by: Skyler at February 22, 2009 12:45 AM

I didn't get to watch it, but kudos to Kevin Bacon for what sounds like a positive portrayal of our military personnel.

Posted by: Ken S, Fifth String on the Banjo of Life at February 22, 2009 07:42 PM

Bacon came off as very real, and conflicted by not being in Iraq while his people were fighting.
But the real heartwarming element is the people who were touched during the trip from Dover to Wyoming. Real people who were touched by the event and did their best to show their appreciation to the fallen Marine and his escort. That was the big surprise, that Hollywood can still portray Americans as something other than shallow caricatures, greedy, stupid, fat, drunk, evil... you know the list.

Posted by: rickinstl at February 22, 2009 08:30 PM

Skyler: I always liked Kevin Bacon.He did an excellent job in this movie.A sad poignant tale.
I know what you mean about Hollywood people.Outside of Brad Pitt and John wayne,Jimmy
Stewart,Gary Cooper, most are short in stature.
I met the guy from the TV show" Home Improvement"
he must have been no more than 5' 4'.
I heard John Madden address this issue and say if they were
taller, they would have gone into sports.A good
theory..The tall ones become sports guys to get
public adulation.

Posted by: greg newson at February 23, 2009 12:28 AM