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February 06, 2009
Man Smokes Pot
Gets booted by Tony The Tiger
Earlier Thursday, Kellogg Co. said it will not renew Phelps' advertising contract."Michael's most recent behavior is not consistent with the image of Kellogg," company spokeswoman Susanne Norwitz said. "His contract expires at the end of February, and we have made a decision not to extend his contract."
Norwitz said Kellogg's relationship with Phelps began with the company's support of the U.S. Olympic team. Kellogg did not renew its sponsorship of the team when it expired in December, she said.
Man smokes pot and does cocaine, well he gets elected President.
Such is life in the U S of A these days.
Posted by Mr. Bingley at February 6, 2009 11:12 AM
If Phelps joins the DNC, would that exonerate him? Or does he need to make a sizeable donation to the coffers of The One™ as well?
Posted by: JeffS at February 6, 2009 11:58 AM
Bad move. I mean, don't they want to take advantage of the munchies demographic?
They're GRRRRRRREAT, dude!
Posted by: nightfly at February 6, 2009 01:31 PM
Obviously there is a cabinet position in the young man's future.
Posted by: Dave E. at February 6, 2009 02:02 PM
Man smokes pot! Big deal!! So does a half of population, and I bet
they don't give a shit about Kellog! Have nice smoke!
Posted by: Paul at February 6, 2009 02:17 PM
I will boycott Kellogg from now on! How many of the atheletes on the boxes have been drinkers? Alcohol costs lives, name one incident of someone o.d'ing on pot, killing someone else because they were stoned, etc.
If we are talking about breaking the law - all our top people in washington are admitting to it (not paying taxes, etc.).
He is still the same athelete as before the photo. Maybe it would all be o.k. if the pharmaceutical companies were getting their fair share (via - zanax, valium, etc.)!!
Posted by: kellogboycott at February 6, 2009 02:17 PM
Man smokes pot! Big deal!! So does a half of population, and I bet
they don't give a shit about Kellog! Have nice smoke!
Posted by: JeffS at February 6, 2009 02:59 PM
I'm sure Frito-Lay will sign him as a Tokes, er, Spokesman.
Posted by: Mr. Bingley at February 6, 2009 03:00 PM
Damn, Bingley beat me to it.
As for "no one ever killed anyone while they were stoned on pot," I seem to remember hearing of a commuter-train crash a few years back where the engineer had been toking up.
(I honestly don't care what a person does with green leaves in the privacy of their own houses, but I'd rather feel confident that my pilot or the other drivers on the road had their heads straight. Or for that matter the other grocery shoppers. You know how annoying it is to try to shop in a store full of giggling stoners?)
Posted by: ricki at February 6, 2009 04:10 PM
Maybe make that Frito-Jays...a match made in heaven.
Posted by: Dave E. at February 6, 2009 04:13 PM
Boycott Kellogg!!
Posted by: Fred Evil at February 6, 2009 04:51 PM
Cant we juist let this kid be! My god he smoked so pot, who cares really, the far right, the brain washed few that still think the lies told to them over the years about Marijuana are true! Well you all need to read up on your facts, he was better off smoking pot then drinking any dyayet we wouldnt be talking about it had it been beer! Its all BS folks, beer(alcohol) does more dammage and kkills way more people yearly then pot every has in history, ZERO deaths by Marijuana EVER!!!
He should have stood up and said " yes I smoke I also am a x times gold winner. You all been told lies for years about marijuana and Im hear to get the truth out" if he would have done that he could have opened up the door for the truth to come out! But he folded to pressure and now we have to hear his crying and winning about he mde a mistake. Well they only misstake was not staning by his choice and fellow smokers and showed the country that pot isnt what they make it out to be.
Read up folks, the time has come to abolish Marijuana laws and let people make thier own choices!
Posted by: WakeUP at February 6, 2009 05:02 PM
Well, I thought I had rested my case. And then WakeUP steps in. Huh!
You know how annoying it is to try to shop in a store full of giggling stoners?
ricki, that's my main issue with legalizing drugs in general, but marijuana in general. If people want to get high behind locked doors, and don't bother other people, I'm inclined to let Darwin's Law take its own course. I don't argue with the idea that if alcohol is legal, so should marijuana....except that we still have people killed by drunk drivers.
So I am NOT inclined to give idiots of that grade another legal choice on how drive impaired. I prefer to have another set of rules to hit them with, ESPECIALLY if they killed any innocent people. This serves as an excellent of "... your brains on drugs"; I'm willing to put up with most of the resultant government a$$hattery.
If this concept bothers those spelling challenged supporters of legal weed, boo hoo.
Posted by: JeffS at February 6, 2009 05:26 PM
"... but marijuana in particular."
That's my brain on "It's Friday! It's Friday!"
Posted by: JeffS at February 6, 2009 05:28 PM
That's my brain on "It's Friday! It's Friday!"
Are you SURE your brain's on Friday, Jeff?
Posted by: tree hugging sister at February 6, 2009 05:52 PM
"If people want to get high behind locked doors, and don't bother other people, I'm inclined to let Darwin's Law take its own course."
Bingo. If any fringe group (hopheads in particular) would add the word "discretion" to their vocabulary and put it into practice they'd find it easier to gain support for their respective causes.
As for Wake(and bake)UP, he's a prime example of which I just described. Achieving the goal of winning allies to your cause is achieved by knowing your audience and opening lines of persuasive communication. Bombast and harranging your audience does more to hurt the cause than help, especially with that level of atrocious spelling and grammar.
WakeUP, do everyone on the legalization/decriminalization side of the issue. Take a few, hearty pulls off of your favorite bong, cram a fistful of Cheeze-Its in your mouth and ShutUp until you GrowUP.
Posted by: Gunslinger at February 6, 2009 06:13 PM
Are you SURE your brain's on Friday, Jeff?
I'll let you know on Saturday.
Posted by: JeffS at February 6, 2009 07:48 PM
Those Frosted Flakes are pretty good munchies when you're on the weed... or so I've been told...
Posted by: gregor at February 6, 2009 08:18 PM
To recreational drug users:
Check out south of the border, if one thinks a little joint isn't going to hurt anyone... think again.
You wouldn't buy blood diamonds or tuna caught with dolphins, right?
To Product Sponsors:
Maybe piss tests should be required for athletic endorsements.
Posted by: nancy at February 8, 2009 06:09 PM
Hey nancy, that south of the border stuff is BECAUSE drugs are illegal! If they are legal, then drug cartels no longer have any customers. The prohibition of marijuana is FAR more detrimental to society than is allowing their use.
How often do Coors and Budweiser have shootouts? NEVER.
How often are their turf wars over drugs sales spots? EVERY DAY. (and the kilings are about MONEY, not the drugs themselves)
Posted by: Fred Evil at February 10, 2009 01:13 AM
that's funny you used "mindless" and "on drugs" in the same sentence.
Posted by: nancy at February 10, 2009 05:57 AM
...and go help your kids with their homework.
Posted by: nancy at February 10, 2009 06:18 AM