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February 21, 2009
Remind Me Again Which Party It Is...
That values "monied interests" and "big business" over "human dignity"?
“America stands in firm opposition to China’s detention of political dissidents and human rights advocates and religious activists. We press for openness and justice — not to impose our beliefs but to allow the Chinese people to express theirs.”
-George Bush, August 8th, 2008
"Human rights cannot interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crises."
-Hillary Clinton, February 20th, 2009
It takes a village to efficiently repress humanity.
Posted by Mr. Bingley at February 21, 2009 01:05 PM
Why do I have this sick feeling.....?
Posted by: JeffS at February 21, 2009 01:42 PM
Since China holds our national debt I guess it is OK with Saint Obama for them to continue to arrest and torture dissidents, use slave labor and kill their own citizens in order to harvest human organs to sell for transplant on the black market. I know that religious presecution is fine because it is approved in the US too (against Christians). BTW, what happened to the various fruit colored pants suits that HRC used to wear when she was trying to be one of the "common folk"?
Posted by: rolandotx at February 21, 2009 02:49 PM
I wish Hillary were president, I think Americans deserve someone like her.
Posted by: Referee at February 21, 2009 04:36 PM
When are Americans going to stop making Communist China a major Superpower. The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) are committed to "manifest their destiny" onto the rest of the world starting with dependence on sick cheap goods that flood Western and European markets. Their philosophy is that it is always better to behead opposition than change one's mind, that is their approach and creed. CCP leaders believe "Religion is Poison" they have no remorse or moral compass. The are actively committing genocide on the Tibetans a country that is strategically located - he who owns this spot can rule Asia with further advancing troops and resources. They have supported and supplied Terrorists in Burma, Thailand, Africa, Dufur and other Middle eastern countries. Not to mention weakening America's influence and economy with cheap goods and outsourced labor. The CCP has hugh stocks in companys here in the US, THEY MAKE THE RULES! Everytime you buy "MADE IN CHINA" YOU support CCP Totalitarian Regime and the weakening of America. TELL Congress Enough!
Posted by: Nina at February 21, 2009 05:49 PM
"human rights cannot interfere with...the global climate change crisis."
(I'm trying to go for the "whistling past the graveyard" humor here. I really do wonder how soon it will be before we see euthanasia offered as a solution to global climate change).
Posted by: ricki at February 21, 2009 06:01 PM
ricki, the watermelons are already re-pushing the old ZPG mantra of 2 kids, so euthanasia isn't far off. But I rather doubt that the greenies will be first in line at the suicide booth.
"I wish Hillary were president, I think Americans deserve someone like her."
If you mean President of Russia, or maybe PETA, I might agree. Otherwise, no, we don't deserve her. We dodged one bullet with The Glacier after she screwed up her campaign; alas, we didn't dodge the second shot, thanks to Obama.
Posted by: JeffS at February 21, 2009 06:11 PM
Anyone wanna bet that the NY Times won't say squat about this. Any takers? If anyone in the Bush cabinet had said anything like this the left would have gone nuts. I wonder if Frank Rich is drinking heavily tonight or is he trying to figure a way to blame Bush for Clinton's comments.
Posted by: major dad at February 21, 2009 07:17 PM
Any takers?
Hell, no! It's a suckers bet.
Posted by: JeffS at February 21, 2009 07:52 PM
This should bother both liberal and conservative alike.
Politics have the destructive power to make every issue open for debate...thereby giving even the most discusting mindsets credibility.
Posted by: Randy Furco at February 21, 2009 09:41 PM
.... kill their own citizens in order to harvest human organs to sell for transplant on the black market ...
As much as I dislike the Chinese government, I have learned how to distinguish between facts and fictions. This allegation was started by some Falun Gong followers and picked up by some senators. China has become such a convenient target for too long. Esp in recently years, many anti-Chinese groups have learned how to be effective to stir people's emotion, by resorting to many unfounded allegations.
Also it always makes wonder while reporting on the notorious one-child policy, why has nobody ever reported that the policy does not apply to ethnic minorities, like Tibetan and Muslims. I guess it's also convenient to leave this small detail out ......
Posted by: heying at February 21, 2009 11:24 PM
Ha ha! How sad! Come to think of it, I just remembered both Kissinger and Brown of Great Britain calling for a "new world order" recently.
It looks like the new world order will come in the Chinese model, or with a Chinese flavor you might say.
China was just the testing ground for the new order, a perfect marriage between an oppressed people with no rights to organize themselves in order to bargain for a better life and the "free trade" of the Wild West capitalism.
Considering everything that happened in the last 8 years or so, it's easy to see how the world is headed towards a repressive global police state with 2 classes of people: elites and subjects, the latter being tagged electronically and under surveillance all the time, LEST THEY START THINKING and oppose the elite.
See for yourself what we are facing:
Posted by: ry at February 22, 2009 12:01 AM
Posted by: Ryamtuqd at July 13, 2009 03:54 PM