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March 01, 2009
Rahm Emanuel on "Face the Nation" This Morning
...just reinforced my original "what a lying, sack o' shit this asshole is" opinion of him.
Wait'll the transcripts are are out and you'll see what sort of "change" hath been wrought.
UPDATE: Trust HotAir to gather all the pertinent elements before mere mortals can.
At least I wasn't mistaken in my initial impression.
Posted by tree hugging sister at March 1, 2009 11:05 AM
The only change that I see here is that the Dhimmicrats are OPENLY and OFFICIALLY demonizing and/or smearing Republicans (specifically, and in general), from the White House on down. If it wasn't Limbaugh*, it would be someone else in the conservative ranks. Witness what happened during the 2008 presidential campaign.
Welcome to the United Socialist States of America.
*: For the record, I do NOT listen to him all that often.
Posted by: JeffS at March 1, 2009 05:05 PM
The veto of the 9,000 earmarks was my test for Mr. Obama and he has failed miserably. And Rahm Emanuel's weaseling around with answering why it was't going to happen was a sure sign of more to come. Bob Sheiffer held his feet to the fire and he had to admit they were letting it go THIS time to get the bill passed. Right, and the next pork laden bill will be a different story, I'm sure, but the pork in that one will stay also. There have been too many problems already with vetting, etc. How soon they forget their campaign promises once the elite ride is at the front door or the chopper on the lawn. Just more of the same from politicians.
Posted by: Disgusted at March 1, 2009 05:35 PM