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March 13, 2009
They Push Prod And Push...
the new, wet behind the ears kid on the block
A potential conflict was brewing last night in the South China Sea after President Obama dispatched heavily armed American destroyers to the scene of a naval standoff between the US and China at the weekend.Mr Obama’s decision to send an armed escort for US surveillance ships in the area follows the aggressive and co-ordinated manoeuvres of five Chinese boats on Sunday. They harassed and nearly collided with an unarmed American vessel.
Washington accused the Chinese ships of moving directly in front of the US Navy surveillance ship Impeccable, forcing its crew to take emergency action, and to deploy a high-pressure water hose to deter the Chinese ships. Formal protests were lodged with Beijing after the incident.
On a day that Mr Obama and his senior officials met the Chinese Foreign Minister, Yang Jiechi, in Washington, Beijing showed no sign of backing down. Its military chiefs accused the unarmed US Navy ship of being on a spying mission.
I can't say that I've seen something so far in Obama's handling of anything that gives me confidence he'll handle a "situation" with our largest creditor with anything approaching aplomb.
Posted by Mr. Bingley at March 13, 2009 07:30 AM
Ol' Hair Plugs was more than right about Obama being challenged. Not only did it take less than 6 months, he's been challenged (or insulted) by nearly every despot, dictator, and commie collective on the planet. Russia, NoKo, Iran, Venezuela, China, the United Nations, and others, I'm sure. Who hasn't pushed the envelope with The Won™?
Posted by: JeffS at March 13, 2009 01:23 PM
Three to one Obama comes away from the meeting with his tail between his legs and his drawers pulled up over the back of his head.
Or he'll pull a Clinton and give away some more top secret info.
Posted by: Gunslinger at March 13, 2009 04:54 PM