Breaking News

Tsunami warnings issued for Fiji and New Zealand after 8.0 quake in Tonga Islands
I would think Eastern Australia should be included, but no confirmation yet.
update: looking at a map I can see that it shouldn’t really affect Oz too badly, as the wave will be much more dispersed by then.
update: warnings cancelled. go back to your regularly scheduled sunbathing.

4 Responses to “Breaking News”

  1. John says:

    That wasn’t a quake, the king fell off of his throne.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    Hey, he looks like Bobby Sands compared to that fellow in Mexico.
    But an 8 or 8.1 can’t be a whole lot of fun on an island in the middle of the ocean.

  3. John says:

    It ain’t a whole lot of fun anywhere, but at least they probably don’t have many skyscrapers to fall on them. I was on the 26th floor of a 50 story building when we got hit with a 3 or a 3.5 that lasted about 30 seconds, and that was pretty scary.

  4. That wasn’t a quake, the king fell off of his throne.
    Maybe it was an attention poi

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