
TOMORROW at 8 EST/7 Central on Lifetime.


7 Responses to “Can…NOT…WAAAAITTTTTTTTT!!!

  1. major dad says:

    Anybody want to guess what I’ll be watching Thursday? Is there a football game on?

  2. JeffS says:

    I can hear the Scotties howling away, clear up here in the Pacific Northwest. Maybe you want to go to a sports bar?

  3. (Jeffy Boy ~ Schmaybe you oughta shut up about now, pal…)

  4. kcruella says:

    Top Chef comes back tonight and Project Runway tomorrow night. I hope lifetime does not screw it up.

  5. mojo says:

    Is Zoolander in it?

  6. Kate P says:

    It was awesome. Those stinky boys don’t know what they’re missing.

  7. And they ARE stinky boys. ::sniff::

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