Feds Have A Sense Of Huma

Unfortunately proving once again that it is our ‘justice’ system that is the joke

Huma Abedin, also known as Mrs. Anthony Weiner, is a close confidant and aide of Hillary Clinton.

Really close. Hillary’s minder, scheduler, gatekeeper, among other things.

And Huma apparently didn’t notice that the government paid her more than she was due, resulting in a federal embezzlement investigation.

…But, don’t fret about Huma. The feds cut her a break:

The FBI was first alerted that the IG was conducting a “criminal investigation” of Ms. Abedin in a memo dated Oct. 22, 2013, the records show.

After 15 months of extensive document-gathering and interviews, the IG submitted the case for review by the Justice Department public integrity division, which declined to prosecute Ms. Abedin. The “alleged violations” cited were improperly requesting and approving annual leave and “embezzlement,” the documents state.

“The case was not declined based on the merits of the investigation,” stated the final investigative report, dated Jan. 26.

Such a designation usually means federal prosecutors decided not to pursue a case, but only because they didn’t think it worth the resources, not because the facts and evidence couldn’t support a case.


They’re for the Little People.

One Response to “Feds Have A Sense Of Huma”

  1. Syd B. says:

    Add this one to the Louis Lerner/IRS fiasco and the Black Panther voter intimidation case and you’ve got the trifecta of Obama’s DOJ mandate. On the other hand, perhaps they were too busy with the FIFA case. Thank God they got those bastards.

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