He Never Would Have Gotten So Long, If He Hadn’t LIED About Making It

…well…so long.

WHAT: Steve Warshak, founder of Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, was sentenced Wednesday to 25 years in prison.

A sleighful of confidence and a sackful of pride!

Never promise a guy a new thang if you don’t have one to give him. Men are so pissy that way.

3 Responses to “He Never Would Have Gotten So Long, If He Hadn’t LIED About Making It”

  1. ricki says:

    Does this mean no more Smilin’ Bob polluting the airwaves? Oh, hallelujah!

  2. Kate P says:

    I’m with Ricki. Whoever came up with that ad campaign needs to go to prison as well. I’d say also give his cellmates a year’s supply of that special formula. . . except that it doesn’t work!

  3. Yeah, but I’m sure it TASTED like sh*t, so force-feed them!

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