I Am Sure That Right Now Sweet Baby Jeebus Is Eating One Of These


Pork roll, egg and cheese on a fresh-from-the-whatever-they-cook-them-in french toast bagel.

The perfect combination of sweet, salt and cheesey-eggy fat goodness.


8 Responses to “I Am Sure That Right Now Sweet Baby Jeebus Is Eating One Of These”

  1. Dr Alice says:

    That is the antithesis of Lent.

    But then again, today IS Sunday…

  2. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Ok, did you make that or buy it. If you bought it, where can I get one????

  3. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Oh, and if you made it, I want that recipe….

  4. BlackDog says:

    Pork on a bagel/ That is not kosher. However, there is an exception for BACON.

  5. NJSue says:

    Kathy, FYI: it’s from What About A Bagel in Oakhurst. I personally will not eat it but can vouch for the deliciousness of their more, um, conventional products.

  6. Chancy girl says:

    Bingley, My friends from Brooklyn actually said the bagels from “The Hot Bagel Bakery” in W. Long Branch are on a par with Brooklyn bagels. Yum!

  7. Julie says:

    My arteries just hardened looking at that photo.

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