I Guess the VRWC Went After Him, Too

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Boeing Co. Monday said it fired Chief Executive Harry Stonecipher, after a probe into a personal relationship he had with a female executive that it said “reflected poorly” on the No. 1 U.S. aircraft maker.
Weird the difference corporate office or Oval office makes when it comes to keeping your day job.
The Marine Corps would be showing Major Dad or any other Marine the door, with punitive action attached, for even the inference of ‘conduct unbecoming’. The indiscriminate witchhunt among senior officers by the US Senate during all phases of the Clinton disgrace was a source of much wrath and indignation to members of the Armed Services. Tremendous injustices were done to good people, by the same righteous Boxer types braying about the difference between a person’s private life and public position.

15 Responses to “I Guess the VRWC Went After Him, Too”

  1. John says:

    I find it nauseating that NOW and the other feminazis side with Clinton and other pigs because they espouse “correct” politics. Simultaneously, they continue to heap abuse on conservative businessmen who employ women in positions of real power and worth to society, as opposed to Clinton, who employed women in positions of, er…, well, you know.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    Women had access to Clinton on a “kneed to know” basis…

  3. Oh sh*t, here we go.
    Crusader! You are Not Allowed to ANSWER!!!!
    Back Slowly Away From The KEYBOARD, for your safety as well as those around you.

  4. Ken Summers says:

    Don’t listen to her Crusader!

  5. Dave J says:

    Ugh. Arguing about Clinton’s impeachment is second only to arguing about the Florida recount for endless painful tedium.

  6. Mr. Bingley says:

    Heh, that’s true Dave.
    But THS started it!!!!!!

  7. Crusader says:

    Women had access to Clinton on a “kneed to know” basis…

    I dunno, the word I was thinking of rhymes with ‘know’, but starts with ‘bl–‘, oh, nevermind…

  8. OH now, Dave, read what the heck I wrote before you yawn. I wasn’t arguing about anything. So there. Pffft.

  9. Crusader says:

    Ugh. Arguing about Clinton’s impeachment is second only to arguing about the Florida recount for endless painful tedium.

    Truly stains on our history….

  10. Ken Summers says:

    In Clinton’s defense, you have seen what he went home to every night, right?
    And I trust you were all as wise as I and dumped your ACME Keepads(TM) stock?

  11. Dave J says:

    Hmmm…Jackie vs. Hillary, Marilyn vs. Monica. JFK may have been his role model, but ethics, law and morality aside, when it comes to Bill Clinton’s taste in women, I hear Lloyd Bentsen saying, “you’re no Jack Kennedy.”

  12. Mr. Bingley says:

    Heh, that’s for sure.

  13. Nightfly says:

    I updated well below regarding Emma Perez and UC-Boulder, but since we’re talking about scalps for the VRWC, I thought I ought to clue you in on this while I got the chance.
    Once again, I buzz ahead of the curve.
    [/shameless selfpromotion]
    Back on topic, isn’t it eeeeentristin’ that, when it gets down to punishing abuse of power and scandal, the evil profit-uber-alles corporations are well ahead of the oh-so-perfect UN and various other leftist darlings?

  14. Mr. Bingley says:

    Don’t fall for that old ruse, Nightfly! Next thing you’ll be telling me is that…I dunno, something really whacked-out like the US military actually punishes soldiers that commit crimes!

  15. The Real JeffS says:

    In the Clinton Administration, not only did women “kneed to know”, they also had to deal with a command performance.

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