If They Don’t Tell You How Bad It Is and It’s American Made to Begin With?

Meh. Walk in the proverbial park.

Crap! I forgot the subtitles are in Hebrew!

Israeli Capt Ziv Nedivi brings home his critically wounded F-15 safely after a mid-air collision.

You’ll notice I didn’t say, “and in one piece” because it only had ONE WING.

3 Responses to “If They Don’t Tell You How Bad It Is and It’s American Made to Begin With?”

  1. Skyler says:

    Amazing airmanship!

    But I had already come to the conclusion that the engineers came to that the body of the aircraft provides a lot of lift itself. The Tomcat had a similar characteristic and I had talked about it with the Grumman tech reps for our Intruders several times.

    Still, amazing flying. That man has some huevos grande.

  2. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Amazing airmanship. And amazing airship… (takes two to tango.)

    Still, I agree about the huevos grande (an odd expression in literal translation, but I think in English slang it translates to brass balls…)

    I can tell you I’d have ejected first chance. I’m not that brave.

  3. leelu says:

    …I think, in this case, it’s huevos mas grande.

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