I’m Sure 007 Would Not Have Objected

However Lady Thatcher was not amused

Lady Thatcher refused to be protected by 20 “karate ladies” at a summit in Japan unless male world leaders were given the same number of “karate gentlemen”.

Downing Street memos show that officials feared the prime minister could be embarrassed by her security detail at the economic meeting in Tokyo in May 1979.

Sir John Hunt, the cabinet secretary, had confirmed with Japanese officials that a television news report stating “20 ‘karate ladies’ would attend her” was indeed true.

The Japanese really thought this was a proper and decent policy for her security

Sir John said that subtle attempts to persuade their Japanese hosts to alter the plans had proved unsuccessful. He added: “A high-level approach is therefore necessary.”

You know that Ghaddafi wouldn’t have said no.

3 Responses to “I’m Sure 007 Would Not Have Objected”

  1. Ave says:

    In that case it’s the karate ladies who would’ve needed protection.

  2. JeffS says:

    I wouldn’t say no either.

  3. mojo says:

    Give me police protection
    Gonna buy a gun so
    I can look after number one
    Give me a bodyguard
    A back belt Judo expert with a machine gun
    — The Who

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