Kyoto Disaster Drives Kiwi Kwazy

That’s the only excuse I can think of for this rather sordid affair:

NZ bachelor on rabbit sex charge
13 August 2005
Sydney Morning Herald
SYDNEY: A man faced an Australian court yesterday charged with having sexual relations with a rabbit and the sadistic killing of 17 other rabbits whose carcasses were found dumped in a lane.
Brendan Francis McMahon, 36, North Sydney, appeared briefly before Central Local Court Magistrate Allan Moore yesterday charged with having allegedly committed the offences over the past three weeks.
McMahon, a New Zealand born finance company director, sat quietly in the dock during the hearing at which he was represented by barrister Doug Marr.
No plea was entered to a total of 21 charges laid by polcie against McMahon, a business partner with Jason Meares, the former brother-in-law of James Packer.
McMahon, who’s company website claims he is a former Bachelor of the Year winner, was arrested by detectives at a house in Tamarama early yesterday.

Now, ignoring the grammar foibles of the SMH (whose, not who’s and I’m not sure how many arrests the polcie make per year), I mean, couldn’t he find any hobbits in NZ? He had to go to Australia and abuse bunnies?
Must be a Carter fan.

6 Responses to “Kyoto Disaster Drives Kiwi Kwazy”

  1. Ken Summers says:

    Wow. Even Rick James once said “Super Freak is a song, not a lifestyle”, or something to that effect.
    Which reminds me, I have to do a post about hunting in New Zealand soon.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    Says something about the, um, endowments of NZ males if the best they can hope for is a rabbit that they have to buy.

  3. Ken Summers says:

    Um, I would have suspected that most rabbit purchased is in, er, ready to cook form.
    If you know what I mean.

  4. Hunting in Kiwiland New Zealand

    Spent the bulk of the day fixing the rear windows on the wife’s car. Buicks seem to be prone to power window issues. It took a long time mainly because I had to figure out how to get the damn…

  5. The Real JeffS says:

    Maybe this guy uses the on screen name of “Elmer Fudd”.

  6. Ken Summers says:

    Eh eh eh eh eh! Be vewy vewy quiet!

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