La Grenouille DSK Has Friends in High Places

…trying to get the world off his shoulders.

Friends of alleged hotel sex fiend Dominique Strauss-Kahn secretly contacted the accusing maid’s impoverished family, offering them money to make the case go away since they can’t reach her in protective custody, The Post has learned.

The woman, who says she was sexually assaulted by the disgraced former head of the International Monetary Fund, has an extended family in the former French colony of Guinea in West Africa, well out of reach of the Manhattan DA’s Office.

7 Responses to “La Grenouille DSK Has Friends in High Places”

  1. Skyler says:

    Hmm. I may be a lawyer, but I’m not a good one. It seems to me, without being able to look it up, that there might be laws against witness tampering. Not really sure.

    Also, the crime is not against her. The crime is against the state. There would seem to be enough evidence, based on her statements to date, the semen, the blood, the ransacked room, etc., to convict. I think calling her as a witness is just gravy!

    And if she does recant, the prosecutors could cite this episode as a reason to impeach her as a witness. And also prosecute her.

    So there is no incentive for her to take this payoff. She will get his money in a civil suit regardless, and it will be easier if he is convicted.

    What a stupid move.

  2. Mike Talley says:

    what a slimeball….

  3. Mike Talley says:

    not Skyler…. DSK….just to be clear…

  4. major dad says:

    He knows she a Muslim and that’s how it’s done in that world, pay them off. He’s not going to get away with it, I hope, but stranger things have happened. His apologists are not helping his case but the frogs just can’t STFU and keep maintaining their superiority over us barbarians. How’s tha Libya thing working out for you Frogboys?

  5. Skyler says:

    I’ve been called worse . . .

  6. JeffS says:

    Lawyers, rapists, socialists, and Frogs.

    The sad thing is, that combination is all too familiar.

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