My South Park Portrait

Heh. Thanks to Baldilocks for the link.

And my bride:

9 Responses to “My South Park Portrait”

  1. Mr. Bingley says:

    The hat covers the bald spot nicely, I think.

  2. God dammmiitttt !!!!! You always get everything, you were always the favorite, I hate you, Bingley BASTARD!!!

  3. Nightfly says:

    Nice – but shouldn’t the swampy logo be on the mug too? Opportunity missed and all that…

  4. Mr. Bingley says:

    Damn! You’re right!
    I’ll give that a try tonight…product placement is so hot right now.

  5. Great, you freakin’ crashed their server. Now nobody can have one.

  6. NJ Sue says:

    What, they didn’t have a wineglass option? (I like the metal bra though. It goes well with the pearls.)

  7. Mr. Bingley says:

    Nope. If you’ll notice though, in your right hand I put the whole bottle…

  8. Darling sister, you’re always impeccably turned out. Always.

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