Not Busy In Buzios

The next day we drove to the resort town of Buzios, which is about 2 hours or so east of Rio.

When we got there we were hungry, shockingly, so we stopped at a lovely tropical-style place called Restaurant Gisele.

Pasteis with shrimp



smoked little sausages sauteed with an onion broth


grilled pork loin with fried bananas


“shrimp” really isn’t the right word for these beasts, is it?



they were ginormous. And good.

And they really set us up nicely for the view from the Hotel


what’s not to love about flower petals…in the toilet





Buzios is an extremely relaxing town.

For dinner that night we just ate at the fancy pizza restaurant at the hotel. We ordered a bottle of wine and then perused the menu, noticing that they had a ‘special’ where you could get two pizzas plus a bottle of the house wine. We ordered that and the waiter was sort of embarrassed and said that, ahem, the bottle of wine we had already ordered and were demolishing wasn’t part of that special, to which we laughed and said “no worries, bring the second bottle because it won’t go to waste!”

And it didn’t.

6 Responses to “Not Busy In Buzios”

  1. thomas schriefer says:

    big farookin shrimp,bing…last i saw them that big was vietnam,in 1969!!!

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    They really were huge.

    And tasty.

  3. thomas schriefer says:

    we have some good shrimp,here in venice fl…but not that big

  4. tree hugging sister says:

    Why am I thinking, should one stay there any length of time, you have a fair chance of winding up looking like a little sausage…

  5. Chancy girl says:

    I am getting a little worried about you – no bacon!!!

  6. Mr. Bingley says:

    Chancy, I had the same fears! Luckily it re-emerges tomorrow…

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