Pig Of The Day

Anyone care to provide a caption?

11 Responses to “Pig Of The Day”

  1. Cullen says:

    I love it when you call pig pa-pa.

  2. Cullen says:

    when you call me pig pa-pa

  3. Mr. Bingley says:

    “Oscar Meyer, seen here relaxing at home…”

  4. Cullen says:

    Earnest Hemmingway … a man, a pig, way too much whiskey.

  5. Mr. Bingley says:

    “Charlotte’s WebCam”

  6. Major Dad says:

    “Oh, you’re so sexy without your burqa…”

  7. Emily says:

    Which one is the pig?

  8. PB says:

    “Leading Islamic Cleric’s Love Secret Exposed”.
    (After all, there’s not much duller than being a mullah).

  9. The Real JeffS says:

    “I won’t kiss you until you shave!”

  10. Not much duller than being a mullah
    Oh my GOD, I’m dying here! Bwahahahaha!!

  11. Nightfly says:

    Quit hogging the covers!

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