Potential Upcoming Post Alert

Got an email last night from Emily May, (yes that Emily) who wanted to respond to THS’s cruel, heartless and mean-spirited attack on her character. I invited her to email me what she wanted to say and I would post it unedited, so we’ll see if she does.

You know, the suspension on this thing is pretty good: I hardly felt anything from throwing Sis under the bus like that.

26 Responses to “Potential Upcoming Post Alert”

  1. major dad says:

    So she Googled herself, yep just keep digging young lady. This should be good!

  2. JeffS says:

    Should be an interesting and lively discussion as well!

  3. aelfheld says:

    Demonstrating that a spoiled brat is a spoiled brat by quoting said brat verbatim is an attack on her character? Such tender sensibilities are prima facie evidence that there’s really no ‘character’ to attack, just a set of reflexes held together by boundless conceit ‘self-esteem’.

    Have at her. This one needs be used after her desert.

  4. Yojimbo says:

    Five will get you ten she doesn’t follow through. Sound and furry signifying nothing, and all that.

    Why would you intentionally try to hurt a bus?

  5. Yojimbo says:

    Oh my, I did write “furry” instead of fury, didn’t I. Waiting for silver to crack so I can go long the zsl. That’s my excuse and, by George, I’m sticking too it!

  6. Dr Alice says:

    I didn’t see the original post till just now, but a word of advice to Emily: when you’ve made yourself look like an ass, better to bite your tongue and keep a low profile. That way, the next person who does the same thing will get all the attention and your faux pas will be forgotten.

  7. JeffS says:

    Shorter version, Doc:

    When you find yourself in a hole, don’t dig.

  8. tree hugging sister says:

    Man, re-reading it, I was pretty mellow, all things considered.

    I think she’s pissed at NJSue.

  9. major dad says:

    Furry? Well the fur will fly if she does respond. If she’s pissed at NJSue I hope she doesn’t pick a fight, the carnage would be too great to witness. Not!

  10. Gary from Jersey says:

    This is gonna be good, assuming she actually puts up (not out). Whining in print is an art; let’s what daddy’s tuition money bought.

  11. Gary from Jersey says:

    Let’s see what daddy’s etc., etc.

  12. Ebola says:

    She probably wants to sue. ::laughs::

  13. JeffS says:

    NJSue versus Miss I-Want-Success-Without-Working?

    I’m putting $100 on NJSue, knock out in the first round.

  14. JeffS says:

    As for the possible THS versus Miss Pouty Pants match, same deal. Only with a lot more blood.

  15. Ebola says:

    Maybe she should consider being a “community organizer” like fearless leader! You make money… just probably under the table. 😛

  16. NJSue says:

    I actually like young people and want to see them succeed. Posting a letter under your own name in a national newspaper and implying that it’s oppressive for one to accept work involving filing and answering the phone when that is basically the definition of an “entry-level job” (regardless of your high-priced degree in Medieval French Church Vestments or whatever) was an astonishingly bone-headed thing to do. Just like the lad from Colgate who turned down the 40K job because it was beneath him. It seems that these elite colleges are not educating their students in basic common sense.

  17. Gunslinger says:

    This upcoming e-mail from Princess Prissy Pants ought to be a real screamer.

    “THS’s cruel, heartless and mean-spirited attack on her character.”

    Reality check girlie. Just because you are a character doesn’t mean you have character.

  18. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Heh – well, I hope she responds. I’ve actually got more sympathy for her than you lot do.

    She was told, from day one, that doing X (school) would produce Y (good job – not entry level). Probably told by her parents, student councilors, friends, media – just about everyone.

    Is it any wonder she reacted the way she did? They all TOLD her (and told her and told her) that she’d be an instant success if she followed the rules.

    Not all of the world is as good as those of us who graduated the “school of hard knocks” at detecting BS.

    I hope she does respond. And that the rest of you respond with solid common-sense advice rather than thumbing noses.

  19. tree hugging sister says:

    Told you my schweet sister was the mean one.

    Must be a NJ thing. Butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth.

    As YOU should well know, Jeff…

  20. tree hugging sister says:

    Holy CRAP, Kinsley!

    Now, you know I love you as well, but…

    Well, wait a minute. Of course, if Emily addresses us directly, I’m sure everyone will answer her with all due diligence and as much coddling of bruised feelings as her response in kind calls for.

    And I don’t really care if her world is built on positive reinforcement ~ reality checks are awkward that way. She didn’t complain to the Poughkeepsie Village Tattler ~ she shot it out there to the opinion page of the New York Times, bless her heart.

  21. major dad says:

    Come on KK, I was told Santa Claus was real and the Easter Bunny, I figured that one out as a kid. You can’t tell me that a supposedly college educated adult might not figure out that it all wasn’t going to just fall into their lap just because they told them it would. This young woman has come off as clueless and self absorbed. Now I do hope she comes around and sees what she did. And if she wants down to earth advice she’ll get it here.

  22. JeffS says:

    Kathy, I will be glad to offer Miss Emily sound advice. Indeed, if you go back to the original post, a lot of the derision was in fact advice.

    Granted, it was not offered in a friendly fashion, but it was advice nonetheless (e.g., “When it comes to prospective employees, it’s a buyer’s market now, ths.”).

    And, as Major Dad puts, the lass came off as a very self-centered twit. Whining about expected entitlements on a very public forum will do that to a person.

    Given that most of the frequenters here pretty started out working in s**t jobs, I think it’s fair that we can think this way. No one gave ME top salary on day one. Who says Miss May should expect it?

    Further, I don’t really care if her teachers, counselors, parents, etc, lead her to expect a given level of income due to her college time. THEY. WERE. WRONG.

    If Miss Emily May wants to complain about that, she should rag on them for screwing up with their advice. Not the world at large, who would like to see her succeed, because her success is, in the end, our success: she’s self-supporting, and not a professional leach.

    But, based on that letter, she has all the makings of a entitlement oriented employee (e.g., a member of the SEIU), who believes she should get maximum pay because it’s her right, not because she earned it through hard work and dedication.

    Hopefully she’ll prove us wrong. Believe me, I’d like that. The place I work is overloaded with professional leaches, and I want to see them become extinct. Or at least endangered.

    But that’s up to her. She has to get out of her entitlement way of thinking, erase much of what she’s learned, and listen.

    On that, the jury is out.

  23. Mr. Bingley says:

    Guns, to be clear the “mean spirited” bit was completely my line as I was gleefully tossing Sis under the bus.

  24. Mr. Bingley says:

    Kathy, I do have sympathy for her because from what I can gather (which of course ain’t much but Bing (the search engine not moi) does uncover some hints) she’s lived a granola-cocooned life: high-falutin’ crunchy Gaia-centric college, lots of concern for various causes, trips to conferences on sustainable vicuña breeding, that sort of thing. And every place I’m sure talked about how empowered everyone was and how one could ‘make it so’ by simply wishing and perhaps furrowing one’s brow while consigning bankers and oilmen and religious conservative Neanderthals to their inevitable place in the refuse (sorry I meant properly sorted recyclables) bin of History.

    Reality bites. Hard, most times.

    When I got out of college and joined the work force there was no one in my office who had attended a better or more renowned university than I had. So what. For two years I scrubbed out spittoons every day, literally, while learning from the very very bottom up the field I am still in. Remember how scandalously low teacher’s starting salaries were in the 80s? In New Jersey, the average starting teacher made $19,100 in 1986. I lived in NJ and had to commute into Lower Manhattan. I started at $14,500, nearly 25% less than a teacher. I lived on tuna sandwiches every single day for lunch. I would work all day and go home and spend basically every night in my apartment eating some variation on pasta for dinner because it was all I could barely afford. My social life, when it happened, consisted of going to parties held by (and paid for by) co-workers who were much farther along in life than I was (and this is how I met my wonderful Bride). Did I feel big pangs of envy when other friends landed in jobs and were able to buy cars and have a ‘life’ from the get-go? Sure, but I felt/knew that I was working hard in the trenches investing in my future and I had to prove that whatever learning I had picked up at my university was worth something to my employer. I had no expectation of being ‘respected’ simply because I walked through the door; in fact I really can’t even begin to fathom such a concept, so when she writes

    …I can’t help but notice the profound disrespect inherent in the expectation by some that young people like me should spend two to three years “gaining experience”…

    well, I’m just not inclined to deal terribly patiently with such an attitude,, due to both my experience/work ethic and also to the fact that I encounter this very attitude every day now. I work with someone who attended a supposedly very reputable school and has thus graduated with a very pronounced sense of entitlement. They simply cannot understand or fathom why they are not promptly given positions of great responsibility and respect, and as a result they are most unpleasant to work with and completely unaware of why this is so.

    Now, in her defense I know that I left out some key phrases so let me quote her full letter to the NYT

    As a 22-year-old college graduate seeking employment in the seemingly nonexistent entry-level job market, I can’t help but notice the profound disrespect inherent in the expectation by some that young people like me should spend two to three years “gaining experience” (filing, copying and answering the phones) in unpaid or underpaid internships at either nonprofit or for-profit enterprises.

    A slow economy is no justification for placing financial and emotional pressures on young people, many of whom cannot afford to spend several years with little or no compensation.

    Several points here. Let me start by saying that as a fallen imperfect person I find it deliciously, nay palpably ironic that in a world where the coddled denizens of very liberal upbringings expend gigawatts of energy proclaiming their undying love and affection for The Common Man and Fairness and undying disdain and enmity for The Man and his Dehumanizing Capitalism that there are two prominent arenas wherein you will find the most egregious and unfair labor practices in all of our economy, places where extremely well qualified new hires are exploited in ways that truthfully boggle the mind; places where I should add that these extremely well qualified applicants quite literally line up by the hundreds for the chance to be so exploited: I’m talking about of course Academia and Non-Profits. Yes, those two bastions of extreme liberal thought are in fact guilty of the very worst excesses that they blisteringly deride the Captains of Industry for.

    Second, as noted above, she feels it is beneath her to spend two or three years gaining experience for little pay to show her employer that she is able to add value to her company, and shouldn’t she be applying for something beyond an “internship” at this point?

    Thirdly, she is aghast that a firm might offer low pay for a non-critical starting job, leading to “financial pressure” which will have evidently some sort of a deleterious effect on her lifestyle, and further that there is “no justification” for the “emotional pressures” that a company in “a slow economy” might impose on her, like, oh, perhaps something like “go on facebook again while at your desk and you will be fired” or “treat our customers better or you will be fired.”

    Goodness, someone better call Human Rights Watch.

  25. Ebola says:

    Obviously mommy and daddy spent buku money on her schooling and I’m guessing she’s still sitting back on that particular nest egg.

    Speaking as an entitled whelp myself (though far far far less liberally showered with currency as my parents truly work(ed) for a living, defending the nation I might add) … I was a lazy self-entitled little shit because I know everything as well! That last part hasn’t changed, but guess what, I woke the fuck up and got a damn job I HAD to be dedicated to, even if I made less at it than I was making before in other career fields. Not that she seems to have had a job yet, but that remains to be seen. I tell you what Emily, how about you balls up, join the military and get that experience while getting paid? They, like mommy and daddy, will make sure you are clothed and fed. Oh, they probably won’t wipe your ass for you, though you might get lucky and TSA will! Maybe you’ll learn something more than the liberal bullshit your teachers and parents obviously stuffed into your mental digestive system. Don’t forget your weekly enema of “No one gives a shit about whiners.”

  26. NJSue says:

    “Remember how scandalously low teacher’s starting salaries were in the 80s? In New Jersey, the average starting teacher made $19,100 in 1986. I lived in NJ and had to commute into Lower Manhattan. I started at $14,500, nearly 25% less than a teacher.”

    Ahh, for the days when I made more than my husband!

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