Remember When David Duke SAID Something Nice About Trump & ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE

…until Trump firmly (re: to liberal/pundit/mob media satisfaction) “disavowed” Duke’s despicableness? REMEMBER?

Ah, good times, good times.

I’m waiting on the Democrats, media and ESPECIALLY LGBT howls of outrage about the picture of this smiling fellow, SITTING DIRECTLY BEHIND HILLARY CLINTON last night at her rally.

Seats behind the party nominee at rallies are reserved for special folks, you know?

5 Responses to “Remember When David Duke SAID Something Nice About Trump & ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE”

  1. Syd B. says:

    This election cycle isn’t just a movie, its a full length motion picture blockbuster, starring Mr. Bad and Mrs Worse. The producers, directors, writers, editors and cameramen are all full card carrying members of the MSM. You don’t even have to go see it. They’ll just tell you what happens.

  2. Gunslinger says:

    Seddique Mir Mateen is also no stranger to the halls of power in Washington DC.

  3. Kathy Kinsley says:

    @Syd Too true. I’ve stocked up on popcorn – anyone want some?

  4. JeffS says:

    There is NO DOUBT about where her sympathies lie.

    And it ain’t with anything even remotely American.

  5. Syd B. says:

    After this election, I intend to get gently stewed…and stay that way for a while.

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