Tells You ALL You Need to Know About Teachers’ Unions

The membership is apparently pissed the union endorsed Hillary without asking…the membership. So WHO is the default choice?

5 Responses to “Tells You ALL You Need to Know About Teachers’ Unions”

  1. JeffS says:

    Clearly, socialists and communists run the unions.

  2. Kathy Kinsley says:

    I laugh because I must not cry… LOL

  3. aelfheld says:

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

  4. tree hugging sister says:

    Your children are in the hands of PROFESSIONALS!!!

  5. nightfly says:

    Why don’t you gimme all yer money
    ‘Cause you know you think I’m funny
    Can’t you see me smilin’?
    Can’t you hear me laughin’?
    I’m the man
    I’m the man
    I’m the man
    I’m the man

    And we don’t even get hula hoops or skateboards out of the deal. What a rip.

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