“The 180…”

So that’s, what? CNN, now ABC, Fox from the beginning, of course…who next?

3 Responses to ““The 180…””

  1. Julie says:

    I’m imagining a biiig dartboard in the Oval Office, and they use this to determine the response to any crisis: “Do Nothing”, “Blame Bush”, “Tell a Whopper”, etc.

  2. Kathy Kinsley says:

    @Julie. LOL – and it’s probably there. Or a roulette wheel with same choices.

    As for “So that’s, what? CNN, now ABC, Fox from the beginning, of course…who next?”
    Maybe AljJzeera? Our enemies do love to mock us. (And we should listen, becuase they get their own motives right.) Which we don’t (either side).

    The late (thankfully, we did SOMETHING right) Osama bin Laden explained it years ago: “strong horse, weak horse.”

    We should have listened when he declared war in August 1996…but I doubt many even knew who he was the. And everyone apposed everyone. No way ANYONE woud (then or now) get throudj. Good luck.

  3. Kathy Kinsley says:

    sorry about the above – I need a new keyboard. And new fingers. Mostly new fingers though a couple of those were sticky keys.

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